I have been involved with Orrin Woodward and the leadership of LIFE for the last several years. 10 years ago, I was a physical therapist, fresh out of college working and living in Traverse City, MI. Inwardly, I was a defensive, easily embarrassed and shy person. I was what you could call a "Little League loser" with deeply embedded limiting beliefs and a low self esteem. Outwardly, I was quickly heading for financial and marital disaster. I was $180,000 in debt, between massive student loans and consumer debt, working 60 hours a week in a job I did not have a passion for, and in the beginning stages of a 'rocky' relationship with my now wife, Cassie. All I saw around me were people with bad finances, bad relationships, and bad attitudes who were embracing their mediocre and painful lives as though there was nothing they could do to change them. I was beginning to wonder if this was all life had to offer. I have no doubt, that without LIFE's leadership CDs, personal growth books, and positive association in my life, I would be firmly entrenched in the rut of life, a slave to my debt, divorced, and miserable. My kids would be a product of another broken home, with parents as mentors who had no financial or marriage fruit on the tree. Luckily, I was looking for a change when I fell in with some friends who were involved with Orrin Woodward, Chris Brady and leadership. I had major doubts about myself ever becoming a leader, but I really liked the audios, books and association the LIFE leaders had to offer. I started to think, feel and act differently. I developed hope, discipline, and a different belief system. The biggest blessing came from God using these leadership materials and association to bring the "Little League loser" to know Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior! I was lost, but now am found. I was blind, but now can see. Jesus Christ is now the cornerstone and foundation of my life.
The following are just a few memorable examples of LIFE material that helped me to change my thinking and change my life:
Books - The Cashflow Quadrant, Launching a Leadership Revolution, Magic of Thinking Big, Talent is Overrated, Courage, all of the books by John Wooden, A Case for Christ, and Spiritual Depression.
Packs - Maximizing your Finances pack, No Regrets pack, and the Marriage pack.
Through plugging into the leadership of LIFE, I am excited to say that I now have Christ in my life, I am still and happily married to my beautiful wife Cassie, we have 4 wonderful children who are smart, God fearing, and leaders in their own right, and we are now passionately locking arms with other purpose driven people and striving to make a difference in this crumbling world! God Bless, Kirk Birtles
Kirk & Cassie Birtles
Physical Therapist
Michigan/United States