
Watch Video Testimonials
  • Gregory  Nguyen

    Joining LIFE Leadership has been the most rewarding decision I've made for my career, my relationships, and heck, my life. As an aerospace engineer, a sales professional in the semiconductor industry, and a precious metals consultant, I had always believed I was a competent and consummate business entrepreneur. I considered myself a thoughtful friend and family member. I was all of those things to a certain extent, but I was not so good at building relationships. I was so focused on being a fiercely independent performer, that I sometimes forgot to serve my teams as a leader, a son, a brother, an uncle, or a friend. Some who reported to me did find me very supportive--and those I reported to knew I had a strong work ethic, so it's not like I had NO people skills--I just wasn't consistent in building relationships. Many years of training, skills development, and good experience did prepare me for leadership roles. But LIFE Leadership enabled me to focus on becoming selfless, removing my ego, so that I could be a student again and really learn how to inspire others to serve as well. In other words, in this wonderful, safe environment of being with other like-minded business owners, I am learning how to build a community of other leaders. I've learned how to encourage, coach, and edify others. I've learned to accept recognition and reward myself. I've re-learned goal-setting, how to become a better listener, and how to not only achieve my dreams, but how to help others achieve theirs. Words cannot describe how much this has helped me in so many ways, the awesome friends I have met along the way, and the man I have become in the process. Friends and family have noticed I've become less abrasive, less bossy, and happier. I was not a bad person--I've just become a nicer person who's opened up my heart just a little bit more, thanks to the LIFE community. The reading, the listening, and the association with this community has given me confidence, posture, and the courage to expand beyond my comfort zone and pursue my biggest dreams. That courage also gives me the resolve to share our information to those I care about. It is not about us, it is about serving others.

    Gregory Nguyen - Precious Metals (Gold and Silver) Consultant

    Cagliari/United States

  • Daniel & Kirsten O'Leary

    LIFE Leadership = Life Changing When LIFE Leadership came into our lives we were like most of America. Broken in almost every way. Our finances way beyond our means, our marriage in shambles, parenting non-existent, hoping there was a better way but finding ourselves hopeless in many ways. I felt the need to provide for our family physically, emotionally, and spiritually, but did not know how. Kirsten was searching for purpose and longing for true leadership from me, but we were destined for failure, for one reason only...lack of information. It has been said "You don't know what you don't know; some of what you know you have forgotten; and some of what you know just isn't so." This was us for sure. We, like much of America, were taught to go to school, get a good job, get married, have a family and live the 'American dream'. This was the key to our success...or so we thought. Kirsten graduated from college with her degree in nursing. She has always had a heart for helping people; but, the long hours, back breaking work, hospital politics & odd schedules only seemed to take her dream and leave her with a nightmare. I was quite ambitious myself so I went right to the work force out of high school. Things seemed to be going great; but I found as I got further and further into my life that I too was not getting what I truly wanted out of life. I knew I was built for something more! Depression and destiny collided in my life the night I received a call from a long time friend about a leadership organization he was involved in. Even with all my so called 'wisdom' I never imagined that the call I got that night would be the key to the purpose filled life we had been looking for. We quickly realized the vision of this organization was to lift people up and give them hope, and purpose. Finally what we had been searching for, for so long, was here-our destiny! The timeless information we have been able to get through this organization has been phenomenal! We are not the same people we were! Instead of our marriage being characterized by arguments in the kitchen it is characterized by love, respect, and happiness. Our finances are exponentially better, we are digging out of debt and learning to save, and our children know we love them more so now than ever! That being said, the biggest blessing we have received through LIFE Leadership is the community and friendship of so many people. The relationships we have become a part of with the people in this community are absolutely rock solid, time tested, and battle forged. We have discovered what a true friend is in this organization- how to have one and how to be one, a rarity in our culture today. We are proud to say we are Dan and Kirsten O'Leary, and we are LIFE Leadership.

    Daniel & Kirsten O'Leary - Husband/Father/Driver & Wife/Mom/ Clinical Research Nurse Specialist

    Ohio/United States

  • When Bill and I were introduced to LIFE we were looking for a way out of the hole we had dug over the previous 30 years of marriage. Our marriage was good but LIFE had shown us how to pursue Great! Our 5 adult children have always admired our relationship, but now they actually brag about us. Our finances were interesting. There was no way to label them except confusing. Bill was a master at Juggling Funds and that act was exhausting. With the Financial Fitness Program offered by LIFE we now have a solid handle on our finances and know our financial future is secure. No Personal Care Home for Us! Our Faith life was solid from day one in our marriage and our direction sure. Over the course of raising 5 beautiful children we got sidetracked in our long term purpose. The Faith pack and the AGO subscription have renewed our passion and excitement in helping others and helping in mission projects. We believe that the LIFE System of self directed Education is the most effective Program we have ever experienced! We see the very real opportunity to get the Life we always wanted!

    Bill & Jane Sherry - Gov't Contractor and Retired Personal Care Home Owner

    Palermo/United States

  • Sharon Brewer

    You are never to old to live your dream and to know your purpose. Although I have been blessed to have had a career that has given me opportunities throughout my lifetime to have touched so many lives and hopefully to have made an impact on my patients and their families. The downside was always never enough time or money to truly live out my dreams. Then I was introduced to LIFE. I am now able to envision my dreams and keep them alive. The sky is the limit. One of my favorite concepts is information to results. The promotion of reading and furthering your knowledge through the tried and true system we are blessed to have at our disposal is priceless. If there is one word I would like to eliminate from our language it would be the word "but." For me, "but" has the connotation of excuse. I think you would agree an excuse is just another way to say "but I can't do that" and I am here to tell you: Yes you can.

    Sharon Brewer - Retired Registered Nurse MBA

    Inagua/United States

  • I shared this story last week with a complete stranger/new-found friend and he requested I write this down for him. I realized it's a perfect example of how even just a little quality information can make a huge impact for the better in your life. I read "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman a few months ago. (For anyone who hasn't read it, the basic rundown is that different people feel loved by different things: words of affirmation, quality time, gifts, acts of service, and physical touch. It is a REALLY good book for helping in any relationship, especially marriage.) Through reading this book, I recognized that my love language is physical touch and, through asking my husband to answer the questions in the profile, I confirmed that his love language is gifts, with a secondary of acts of service. A few days ago, while I was getting ready for work, my husband did something that I found extremely hurtful. Looking back, I realize it was really small and I overreacted. However, I was immediately upset with him and when I'm upset with someone, I do not want to be around them until I have time to cool down. He picked up on that and let me go finish getting ready. While I did that, he got some breakfast ready and made a lunch for me to take with me to work. Since gifts and acts of service are not my love language, I normally would not have cared very much. However, I realized that it was his way of telling me that he loves me, and apologizing for whatever he had done. This softened me enough that when he came to give me a hug (which helped me feel loved), I instantly forgave him and was able to explain why I was upset so that we could both feel better. Had I not had the information teaching me to see his way of loving, that situation could have gone horribly wrong. I probably would have left for work, seething about how hurt I was and he would have been left feeling confused and bewildered. For anyone interested in LIFE, I’ll say this; if just a little bit of quality information really can make an impact for the better in your life, imagine what a regular flow of quality information can do.

    Teresa Hopkins - Barber/Cosmetologist/Salon Manager

    Utah/United States

  • Fraser & Rebekah Morse

    When I was introduced to LIFE I immediately fell in love with the material. Since joining the company back in 2012 I have not stopped listening or reading. My job as a truck driver can be lonely, uneventful, and mostly negative. The CDs help keep a fire burning for something better. I would encourage any truck driver, local or over the road to do whatever it takes to get your hands on this material.

    Fraser & Rebekah Morse - Truck Driver


  • I got involved in LIFE originally through a co-worker of mine. She invited me to a leadership seminar! And thank God she did! Little did I know, that spring I would have some devastating events happen and soon my grandfather would die. I was so low in my life, I contemplated suicide. But thanks to LIFE, I was involved in a group of positive people who encourage each other along the way. LIFE has been so amazing for my husband and I! We actually met at a LIFE meeting and 1 1/2 years later, we got married! The information I have learned from the personal development and leadership books has completely changed who I am, and has made me realize I have a purpose! AND I do have dreams! BIG dreams! Thanks to Orrin and all the rest of the policy council members for creating such an amazing organization where we all have 1 common goal! God Bless!

    Melanie Gingrich - nurse


  • In 1995, we were talking to the President of a college expressing our desire to be instructed by them. We were denied and it made us feel slighted as we could see that what they had to teach, is what we needed to continue doing what God had called us to do. We were told, "If you do not have what you need to continue your ministry; then you need to quit." This caused us to cry out to the Master of Heaven and Earth. I said, "I don't know what this is called or how to acquire it; but I know that you know what we need and that you will provide it." Two years ago I was introduced to LIFE. As I began to read, listen and associate, I realized that this is what we asked God for 16 years before. The information and system has changed the way we think about our 27 year old ministry. What we are asked to do, is exactly what every pastor, ministry leader, and church member needs to do to promote their church and reach lives to improve and change others for eternity. Praise God for the LIFE business and the efforts of Orrin Woodward and Chris Brady who put forth effort until they could bring this information forth and place in the hands of everyone that has been praying and hoping for something better than we had.

    Andrew & Jackie Perschbacher - Missionary Pastor

    Michigan/United States

  • Matthew & Eliza Cole

    We were first introduced to the Life opportunity in Sept. 2012. Only four shorts weeks away from our wedding, we were sick and tired of being sick and tired. We were stuck in a rut of the 9-5 day in and day out checking of the box. Matt worked 3rd shift and our lives were passing us by day by day. We knew we wanted more, we just didn't know how to get it. We were not sold when we saw the plan; we were skeptical and I was bound to find the negative in this business and wanted very little to be involved until after the wedding. Our sponsors keep coming over and giving us cds to listen too (which I said I was too busy for). On October 13th, seven days before our wedding, we had scheduled a follow up meeting with our sponsors for 9 pm that night. Little did we know that same day the venue for the wedding would call and cancel on us. Needless to say, we were devastated. We had forgotten the meeting was scheduled and were talking about postponing our BIG day as we heard a knock on the door. We remembered the meeting and I asked Matt to get rid of them. I was a sobbing mess. He invited them in and they sat at our kitchen table as I tried to pull myself together to sit with them. I walked into the room and immediately they asked what was wrong. I broke down in front of two men I only had only known for four weeks. Then it happened...they listened and asked me one question. What is your biggest dream right now? I replied to have the most beautiful wedding. They replied then lets make it happen. They sat at our table for three hours getting a game plan together, calling their wives, other team members and friends to help us pull off this wedding in seven days. On October 20th, 2012 at 8 am, a team of people we didn't know showed up with power washers, food, tools and hands to transform a barn into the most amazing place for our wedding. At 5 pm on October 20, 2012 I proudly married my best friend, my business partner and the love of my life all because the team knew that in order for them to succeed my dreams needed to come true. They served us and we will forever serve them. We live our lives on three principles... God, Family and Life. We promised each other that we would live our lives to pay forward what was done for us. LIFE has transformed our family from the first day we were introduced and we continue to be blessed by the association and love we received and are able to give. We will fight for our freedom and your freedom until we can't fight any more!- God Bless Matt, ELiza, Seayra and Alexxus

    Matthew & Eliza Cole - Factory Worker/EHS Manager

    Ohio/United States

  • We became LIFE business owners in Jan 2012. JJ Goidisek our Business partner and team member showed us a path and then simply asked, what is your Dream? Then just showed us a system that answered the "how." This system and program works!! Read, Listen and Associate has made us smarter parents, a greater couple, better people and is grooming us for Leadership. The Life you always wanted is waiting for you to GRAB IT!! This is real and unlike anything you can imagine. I am a Law Enforcement Officer with 18years of experience and have investigated a lot of opportunities in my life. I am committed to my LORD and take my oath of office in Law Enforcement to give my Life if needed. My commitment and oath also precludes me not to be a part of anything that may appear or even have the perception of immoral, illegal or unethical. We researched and discovered this Business is Legal, Legitimate, Moral and way too much FUN!! We have never been a part of anything that is number one. For us to be a part of the NUMBER ONE Leadership Company in the world has just been the most empowering, exhilarating and educational journey ever imagined!! We thank our mentors Larry and Marsie VanBuskirk who have guided us with great information to be successful!! The Policy Council are the Vision Pioneers; they bring even greater success to all of us business owners!! Yes, in this business the Top Leaders HELP US, THEY WANT US BESIDE THEM!!!! They are cheering us to JOIN them!!!! We thank Our Father in Heaven through his son JESUS CHRIST, for blessing us with this Business and all the people we are associated with. All Glory goes to His Kingdom!!

    John and Mary Kay Hatchell - Law Enforcement / Corp Accounts Recievable

    South Carolina/United States

  • David  Poole

    When LIFE says that their information is LIFE-changing, they are not kidding. It is literally top-notch. In high school, I was very depressing, very cynical, and lacking in social ability. When I started college, I became a LIFE Member; and the things that I have learned through the LIFE and LLR subscriptions has turned me into a new person entirely. It has turned me from a person who was rejected from a job in high school into a person who not only got hired at a job in college, but also earned Employee of the Month at that job, simply by applying principles I learned from LIFE. In college, I am much more positive, optimistic, and sociable than I was in high school; and it is all because of the information I learned from LIFE. Thank you, LIFE. You have literally transformed my entire life.

    David Poole - Student

    Michigan/United States

  • Shawn  Gorey

    It sounds like a pretty bold statement to say that "the LIFE material really is life-changing", but I would be lying if I said otherwise. The only way you can know for yourself is to give it a test-drive. I have grown more personally and professionally in the last year than I have in all my years of schooling combined and it is all because of LIFE. There is really nothing out there like it. These are the kind of principles and concepts that should have been taught to us growing up. Content like this is invaluable and is readily available at your fingertips. Learning from your own mistakes is great, but learning for the mistakes of others is even better. It doesn't get better than this!

    Shawn Gorey - 2d/3d Artist

    Ohio/United States

  • I have been a part of the LIFE family for only a few short months, and only actively working to build it in the past 30 days. My #2 son, Robert (high school sophomore), is supporting me in becoming successful. Today something happened; something changed in his life. I wanted to share something personal with you about my son because along with listening to the CDs and currently reading the LLR book, I knew some of this would be absorbed by him along the way. I already know he gets it, but, he let his light shine today to others in a really small, but big way. Today, he auditioned for the first time for section leader in his marching band. He had to participate in an interview as well as show mastery from the section leader training. One of the first questions his band director asked him was, what does leadership mean to you? He told me, the director looked up at him as he started speaking ,and Robert found himself quoting things from the LLR book. Different things about what leadership is. He said the look on his band directors face changed from a stern look to having a great big smile. Robert was so glad he had been taking the time to read this particular book and having already listened to every CD we own from the business, he told me he felt prepared for this interview not knowing what was going to be asked. As a mom, I could not be any prouder of him. I told him, this was the first of many other opportunities of leadership to pass his way. He did well. He was prepared for it, and ready for the challenge. He thanked me for asking him to read the book. He also apologized for not being able to finish yet, due to a book report he has due in another class. I smiled at him, and told him, it will still be there waiting for him, when it's time. Of course, he won't know for a day or two how he did, but, fortunately, my children know it's not about the winning that matters, it's the fact they did their best and did not quit. LIFE is changing lives already with the next generation, even at age 15. It's pretty cool if you ask me. How do you move mountains? One rock at a time. LIFE IS MAKING THIS POSSIBLE! Thank you.

    Marianne Doehling - Practical Nursing Student/Mother

    North Carolina/United States

  • We are so glad to say that the LIFE BUSINESS has given us the ability to take everything to the next level in our lives. GOD's TRUTH, success principles and life skills are a winning combination. My wife Diana, was introduced on a mission trip together. After getting in the learning curve it didn't take me long to get on board and start what I felt could be the best opportunity of our families life. We have had 7 children (only one yet at home), been business owners for 21 years, are active church attenders (Liberty Church/Arab), Missionaries to Africa (6 trips) and have 8 grandchildren (for now). Diana and I feel that the best part of our life is still ahead of us. From our association with people who make it a priority to pursue TRUTH; and with the tools of the "LIFE BUSINESS", new and exciting options are available. "MAKING A DIFFERENCE" has again taken on a new meaning. Take my word for it that it has already begun in us. We are chartering new ground down in the South. We live here in North Alabama. We certainly do not feel alone. With ALL of the awesome changes, we are looking at a WIN-WIN SITUATION. If you are a Member, we are proud to be a part of this business with you. If you are still deciding, REMEMBER: "Change is inevitable, but growth is optional". Besides knowing the Lord, this could be the next best change YOU make! COME GROW WITH US. Thanks.......

    Rodney & Diana Harris - Pavement Marking/ Parking Lot Striping

    Alabama/United States

  • David  Ortiz

    My name is David Ortiz, a business owner in San Diego, CA who employs 32 employees, which given any day is a challenge. In November 2011 I read the book and listened to the CD The Ant & The Elephant. Wow! What a powerful book and CD. It challenged me to the point I have never heard imagined. Since then it has changed my thinking, my life and my business. I learned how important it was for me to raise up leaders within my company. So I challenged my self to choose 3 of my top leaders to put on the LIFE subscription. Wow! After a short 18 months my company went from a 2.7 mill dollar company to a 7mill dollar. The leadership material you provide is outstanding. Thank you for encouraging me through the books and CDs and challenging my thinking. And thank you for changing my life, business and marriage. Sincerely yours, David Ortiz

    David Ortiz -

    Cagliari/United States

  • The LIFE business has made a huge difference in my life. Before this business I always thought I couldn't be successful at anything, because of my education level, but after reading the books and listening to the CD's I know that I can. I have learned a lot about how to treat my husband, my children and the people around me. I love learning about freedom and what we can do to keep it. Oliver Demille is a great speaker on this. I love the A.G.O. series as it has really opened my eyes in the faith area. I am looking forward to a lifetime of learning with these materials. And I hope I can make a huge difference in other peoples' lives by giving them this information. God Bless Lena

    Lena Neufeld - stay at home mom


  • Jesse Hernandez

    Life has given me the opportunity to dream again! The rut of life had consumed my wife and I! All we knew was how to struggle, and it was a struggle! Married eight years, together for ten, we had separated twice before and on the verge of just calling it quits just last October of 2012. We felt stuck! Our marriage was in shambles, our parenting sucked, and our finances were a joke to say the least! On top of all that we were both working long hours full time and part time jobs just to stay from drowning financially. The stress of all this was numbing to the point that we just didn't care about a lot of things or, sadly, each other! What a sad existence we had! Then comes my new friend Jeff Ulrich into my life. His willingness to take a chance and talk to me about the LIFE opportunity was a truly a God sent ray of hope. The truths I heard at my first webcast opened my eyes. I saw hope way beyond anything that I could ever imagine. But the best hope I found was that I had the opportunity to fix my marriage and restore my wife's and childrens' respect and belief in me. I became a student of the LIFE products. I began to read new books like Personality Plus and The 5 Love Languages to help me understand myself and my wife. The second most important step towards our success was the implementation of LIFE cd's. And the most critical component to our success was the association with our new friends and business partners who helped us make ourselves accountable to each other and our kids, as well as, accountable to God. We owe so much to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ because without Him none of this would be possible. Our biggest joy is that we are in this for LIFE! We will continue to do the business because our word to one another is our commitment towards a life worth dreaming about. My advice to anyone new checking out the LIFE business is: Dare to live life and take back what you have lost but have been too blind to even take notice. Your spouse will thank you, your kids will thank you but most importantly that new person you lead to this opportunity will thank you as well. We owe so much to our friends Josh and Kristina Meinel, Matt and Michelle Mielke and to our awesome leaders in this community Dan and Lisa Hawkins whom we admire for their hard work and relentless effort to start starting and quit quitting! We are Team Stealth Red Eagles! We Are! First to serve! We Are! Power Players! Much love from Minnesota land of 10,000 lakes and someday Team 10,000!

    Jesse Hernandez - Bar Manager

    Mantua/United States

  • We were introduced to LIFE in November 2011 and it has been more of a blessing than I could have imagined. It has personally allowed myself and my husband to improve in many areas of our life, which in turn will help our children. On a professional level, it has also added a tremendous value to my practice and my patients. I recommend many of the books from LIFE to both my patients and their parents. There is such a great need for new and true information in today's families. In many instances, proper education can fix most of the behavior and related issues. I can't thank the founders of LIFE enough for all they have done for my family and for the families that I can influence through my Pediatric practice.

    Julie Clowater - Pediatrician


  • Where do I start... Well, here are some questions that were posed to me that really got me thinking. "If money and time where no longer a part of the daily equation and you did not have to worry anymore and your time was now your own... what would you do with your life? What would it look like? What are your dreams? Are you living the life you always wanted?" That really hit home! WOW! No, I was not living they way I had dreamed, I was struggling just to keep my head above water, and my relationship was suffering. I said, "But are any of us? Everywhere you look people are in some sort of turmoil!" Then I was told "It could be different... If I wanted it bad enough." If I learned to apply this information, my life could be what ever I wanted it to look like! You know what, my partner and I started in August 2012. We are seeing results! So I pose the same question to YOU if you are reading this right now... "What if?... Just on a chance... Are you gonna pass it by?" Everyone of us has SOMETHING in our lives that is not the way we want it to be... Here, with this information... you can change it! WHAT IF IT REALLY CAN BE WHAT YOU ALWAYS WANTED? What are you waiting for...?

    Kimberly Heller - Salon & Spa Owner

    AA (Armed Forces)/United States

  • Gordon & Janice Goetsch

    True faith is proven when God looks at our person and He sees the likeness of Jesus. When He breathes in our presence and smells the aroma of His Son. As a pastor, preaching professor, father of five and a respected community leader, under this examination I would have failed the test. There was a gaping disconnect between what I believed of myself and who I really was at the core. My thinking was broken and needed to be transformed by the renewing of my mind. I had preached and taught that so many times in my life, but never realized the extent to which my own thinking needed transformation. I needed the kind of thinking that could demolish my perceived normal life… that would leave no room for any pride or ambition and would cause me to faint at the realization of how desperately short of His Glory I have fallen. How deep His grace must reach to bring me back to into His abiding and glorifying presence. Then, divinely we were introduced to a couple from Dallas, Kirk and Nicole Porter, who had gotten involved in “something” they wanted our opinion about. It seemed so prosaic and pathetic at the time. They were so “inexperienced” and had certainly not paid the price to be so opinionated that they could teach me anything new. I had paid my dues…a Phd in theology, hundreds of postgrad hours in multiple disciplines, decades of personal business experience. But, that night something went right. “Somehow” they got me to commit and started investing into our lives. Systematically, over time, the old stinking thinking was chipped away and replaced by the liberating truth that was missing from my life for so long. I began to see why I had never learned the secret of true freedom. Always so busy, yet so broke. So many sermons, yet so little substance. So much activity yet so few accomplishments. So much fellowship yet so few friends. Stops and starts that came close to divorce for the first 20 years of marriage... Over the next three years transformation came through continued support and accountability through Reading, Listening, Associating and Implementing what I had learned. I realized I could become someone who is loved and admired by my family and friends and that I could leave a legacy of influence that would make the world a better place. In one year of influence we have impacted more people for Christ and a better life than in 7 years pastoring a city church. I have learned the importance of being a husband and dad first and pastor teacher second. I have found that true friendship is a priceless gift to be guarded and nurtured without compromise. I am truly thankful to my friends Kirk and Nicole Porter for introducing Janice and me to this incredible group of world class, caring individuals, and for their support and encouragement on this journey to freedom. With LIFE, life will never be the same. PTL!

    Gordon & Janice Goetsch - Pastor, Professor, Entrepreneur

    Texas/United States

  • Lynnette  Rumsey

    Since I have been on the LIFE subscription, I have learned so many principles that have changed my life in my relationships and my job. It has made my attitude toward my job better and my relationships at work and at home have gotten so much better! People have seen the change in me and the success principles are helping me as well! All around, this is the best learning environment and association I have ever been a part of!! God Bless!

    Lynnette Rumsey - Automotive production

    Michigan/United States

  • Sherrie  Rowe

    I would like to share a bit about what the LIFE business has done for me and my family on a personal level. I have been involved with LIFE for a little over 6 months now. When I first signed on, I was in a severe depression and did not even want to leave my house, other than to go to work. Even at work, all I did was put on a "fake smile" to get me through my day. Since reading these books, listening to the CD's and MOST IMPORTANTLY... being associated with the people in LIFE, my personal life has taken a 180 degree turn. I am no longer depressed (I have stopped taking some of my meds) and I can't wait to get up each morning and see who I can meet and help bring them life changing information. I am full of hope for the future and am no longer afraid of what others will think of me. Because of this material, I am convicted to have the best character I can and not worry about my "reputation." Character is what you ARE, reputation is what others think you are... time will show the truth! I am a much better mother, friend and student. I have found that my purpose in life is to help others and that is where my heart leads me. Being in this association of like-minded people and the support system it offers when we stumble and fall is wonderful. I have found life-long friends here that will do more for me than most of my family. They accept everyone as they are and love them where they are at...the materials and support system do the rest....I have not met ONE person that has come into this business that has not grown on a personal level and become a better person. My loyalty lies with the LIFE Business and the leaders of this organization...I would probably have committed suicide had I not come in contact with this association of people. God has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams, and has made me want to really "LIVE LIFE" again...with a REAL smile on my face this time! Don't let others steal your dreams from you...they CAN AND WILL. Come and live the life you've always wanted, with the right information at the tip of your fingers! Thank you to Orrin Woodward, Chris Brady and Bill and Jackie Lewis for taking the time to personally mentor me and help me believe in myself again, while leading the way with character, dignity and respect for others! You are all angels sent straight from Heaven!

    Sherrie Rowe -

    Inagua/United States

  • Harry  Rohr

    Since I got started with LIFE, I have learned so much about achieving success in all areas, but the greatest thing so far that LIFE has taught me is to keep learning. I never realized before how much I liked to learn....not just about success, but about anything possible such as religion, history, philosophy, metaphysics, etc. LIFE has opened new doors for me and made me realize once again how short and precious life can be and to grasp every opportunity possible!!!!! Mentally, I don't know where I would be now if I had never discovered books like those in the LIFE system, and not to mention the audio CDs, which are world class, extremely entertaining and educational all in one. Thanks LIFE!

    Harry Rohr - Food Service/Culinary

    Michigan/United States

  • Jeff  Peterson

    I don't know where I would be today without LIFE. This is the greatest opportunity there is for me to be the person God meant for me to be. I have met so many wonderful people through this business who actually care about me. I have a new family with LIFE. I am so grateful to Chad Reno and Gabe and Sara Marsh for introducing me to LIFE and never giving up on me.

    Jeff Peterson - Telemarketing

    Inagua/United States

  • Paul and Holly Brown

    I can’t even imagine where we would be if we were never introduced to this information last November! We thought we had done all the right things for success: got the college degrees, bought a house, working hard to climb the corporate ladder; but at 27 years old we were time-broke AND money-broke with all the hopes and dreams of our early twenties out the window. The week before we were shown the LIFE information my husband was considering getting a part-time pizza delivery job to help us pay some of the bills, but I was upset about spending even less time as a family than we did already. We both knew if we continued to do the same things nothing was going to change. And then everything changed. LIFE introduced us to a new way of thinking. A way of thinking that we knew all along, we just never knew how to get there. We started taking a good look at our life and take responsibility for the troubles we were facing instead of blaming it on everything and everybody else. We learned more from the CDs, seminars, and books about finances, history, relationships, success, purpose, marriages, and parenting than we had learned our whole life prior. My husband got a fire in his belly and passion in his eyes that I had never seen before! For the first time since we got married we both had hope for the future of our family. We knew everything was going to get better and we were going to live the life we dreamed of when we were “young and in love.” We owe everything to the life-changing material and the amazing people that have come into our life and have never stopped encouraging us. We know this opportunity was a blessing from God when we needed it most and we will be forever grateful for the privilege of serving in such an incredible group. God bless Orrin and Chris and all the LIFE members for their dedication to serving all of us and creating an opportunity that anyone can grab hold of and change their family tree!

    Paul and Holly Brown - Accounts Manager

    Ohio/United States

  • Mike Bookstein

    Ive been on the Life and LLR subscription since its inception in November of 2011. Listening to the audios and reading the books have enriched my life totally. Before becoming part of the LIFE team I was just living everyday life and accepting my daily routine of up in the morning off to work, then come home eat and watch a little t.v and off to bed. I had lost hope of a better life as I was just working to keep a roof over my head. What Life taught me is you have to rekindle your dream and keep that on the forefront of your mind. Also in order to better yourself you need to always continue your education to become a better you. I haven't read as much since I left college when I was 21. With the leadership materials that I'm reading, I'm gaining more and more confidence in myself on a daily basis. I still am and will always be a work in progress, but I finally feel (at 51 years old) that I'm headed in the right direction with both my personal and professional life. I would highly recommend both the LIFE and LLR subscription to anyone who truly wants to improve their life and help others with what they are learning.

    Mike Bookstein - Sales Director

    Illinois/United States

  • Gordon & Bonnie Gerber

    "What will your life look like 2-5 years from now?" What a great question. I never thought of it. Who does? Dave Ober showed us the plan, and asked that question. With 30+yrs of factory life, I've often wondered if there could possibly be something better out there. Something 'different'. Now, I am grateful and thankful for our LORD's provisions over the years. But the toll of production life, and dealing with corporate...'stuff', leaves one hungry for SOMETHING. So, the plan I saw, the concepts that are incorporated in LIFE was not only a breath of fresh air, but it made sense. Logical. Plus, the added benefit of biblical principals and truth. A real bonus. I do struggle, and yet I know LIFE will impact me and my families lives, along with those I share this opportunity with. God bless.

    Gordon & Bonnie Gerber - Factory Rats

    Palermo/United States

  • Damon and I are involved in this business to begin bringing in a secondary income. Damon spends 40hrs/plus a week away from our family, and when this opportunity was presented to us Damon was moving up the corporate latter. As you know that is not necessarily a bad thing b/c it means he can earn more money, but unfortunately that also meant that he would need to work more hours, have more stress, and be away from me and the kids even more. And even when Damon is home his mind is still on the stresses of work and/or replying to emails/texts/phone calls from the office. As this was happening, I had also been thinking, "I don't want to raise these kids by myself. Or do all the fun things with the kids by myself." I just felt alone. While at the same trying to feel very grateful for the opportunity that Damon gave me to stay home with the kids. Like many of you, I was able to get some of my personal growth through the church. In my case, I felt like I was getting poured into a lot (which is great) but I was not pouring into others (didn't really know how to) and felt dissatisfied within my heart. I knew that I should be serving people more and/or organizations more. I just wasn't sure how (being a mother of small children), or who I should be helping. Then we found this business and it has been an answer to so many of my prayers. I not only personally developing in the "8Fs", as we call them (faith, family, finances, fitness, following, freedom, friends, and fun; with fun being one of the Fs I needed much help in b/c I was so tense all the time), but I began to help others grow personally as well b/c of the wonderful training system we're involved with. It is a win - win b/c as a community we are all self-improving and earning a secondary income while serving each other. Our goal is for Damon to be free to be with me and the kids, be free of the stresses of his current job, and as a family we can give more time and money to charities and people in need. In a nutshell, Damon and I are working towards being a Life Coach. I have always had a heart for people and their pain. Especially b/c of the pain I have endured and fought through b/c of my parents divorce. I love encouraging people and giving them the tools needed to overcome! I hope this gives a little bit of clarity as to what Damon and I are doing. I hope this has peaked your interest enough to invest more time into thinking, "What if what they said was true, that this works?!"

    Shannon Gray - homemaker

    Texas/United States

  • As I was reading the latest book on fully engaging your energy, I was incorporating my nutrition around the Mark McDonald-MediterAsian, my Olympic Weightlifting assault regimen on world records for my age group (held world records as a 50 year old) and an invention that laid dormant for almost 2 decades. The System that LIFE provides can help balance our lives out. The rhythmic oscillation of input and output results is a principle I could not quite integrate and connect in my life and I'm sure many others' lives too. I am making a spreadsheet of the positive, or up sine wave with the negative down sine wave in all spheres like physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. As a retired chiropractor having integrated energy medicine this balancing principle totally makes sense. I am continually amazed as if the LIFE leaders are looking out for our next principle. Keep it up LIFE leaders...you all ROCK! And I'm sure the original founders of America would deem this as fuel to expand and maintain freedom in America...how to live a full life and get things done!

    Dr. Dwight Tamanaha - Retiree

    Wyoming/United States

  • Shannon & Mike Lasiewicz

    When I was introduced to the LIFE business opportunity, I was looking. I was working on trying to build another community at the time and just felt like I was running in a hamster wheel - there was no system put into play. I just knew that something was missing. At this time my marriage was a mess, my finances were a mess, and my relationship with my family was a mess. I was invited to a seminar and the information that I was getting through LIFE made so much sense to me. I was completely lost on what direction to go. I was told by the person who invited me to follow my heart and pray on it. At this point I was totally confused. I let go of the wheel for the first time and followed my heart. This is where I was led to Christ. Something came over me the very next day and I found myself at a church across town. I met with a pastor and I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart. Since then I have been plugged in to the LIFE materials and attend everything. One year from the date I accepted Christ in my heart I was baptized. Since then my home life has completely turned in another direction. My marriage of 19 years has never been better. My husband has become the leader in our home and is building a wonderful relationship with our 3 children. I can’t put a price on the value my family has received from information through the books and CD’s. We are out sharing this information with many other families and what a blessing it is to see all these families blossom in finding their God-given purpose as I have found mine. All the Glory goes to God! What a Blessing this is. Thank you.

    Shannon & Mike Lasiewicz - Homemaker / Salon Nail Technician

    Illinois/United States

  • Toni & Shawn Barry

    Who would have thought....I thank you so much for the LIFE members I have met. My life has been a very messed up situation and I am glad I am not alone...These people are the best people I have ever met. Thank you so much for all you have done for me. Soon I won't be sick and soon I will be back in the game!!!! Love you guys!

    Toni & Shawn Barry - Housewife looking for job

    Central Abaco/United States

  • Jimmy  Varghese

    I come from a 1st generation Indian American family. We were taught at a young age to work hard, go to school (preferably med school), make a lot of money and live the American dream. I come to realize it aint workin! My mentors Keith and Elizabeth Seiracki showed me the plan but I didn't want anything to do with it. I called them every name in the book because I thought I was "too sexy" for this kind of business. My 401K was fat and I had a steady job, so no need to worry right? Wrong answer. Employee reductions and personality conflicts led to me losing my job. I couldn't believe that after all my education (B.S/M.S Biomedical Engineering) that I still had to worry about my career. Thankfully I fell off a metaphorical cliff of ignorance/arrogance and into the "looking zone." I was reading a Kiyosaki book and it praised the network marketing/mlm business. I gladly stuck my foot in my mouth and called Keith on the phone ASAP and said I want in. I injured myself previously in the gym and while laying on the floor of Keith's house writhing in pain while his chocolate lab and boxer licked me incessantly I was still hungry to own my business franchise! Keith re-showed me the plan! It has been a tough road not due to the business but because of the fact I had to look in the mirror of my life and address character defects to which affected my leadership capabilities. I am still young in my LIFE journey but the relationships I have made thus far, the conversations I have had, the tears I have shed have been the most fulfilling times in my life. I am grateful to Keith and Elizabeth Sieracki for loving me where I was at and to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for putting them in my life and creating a purpose with a business called LIFE!

    Jimmy Varghese - Medical Devices

    Florida/United States

  • Adam Alley

    I'd like to take this opportuity to share my testimonial to help you understand why I feel so passionate towards this opportunity. My back ground is in education where I earned my Bachelor's Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies for Elementary Education. I also earned dual Master's degrees in Special Education and Special Reading because of my passion for helping children with disabilities and struggling readers. I was teaching an early morning bible study seminary class, working as a substitute teacher, and finishing my Master's degree program when my wife and I were introduced to this opportunity. I hate to admit it, but I was very self-deceived when our friends sat down to talk with us the first night, but I had been humbled through unfavorable circumstances, which led me to keep an open mind. Since my mom had just retired after 28 years of teaching, it was easy for me to look down the path and realize the results available were not necessarily equivalent to the life I always wanted, but never had it been pointed out to me so clearly as the "Define, Learn, Do" principle had done. I have always been a huge dreamer, but allowed my negative self-talk, limited self-belief, and circumstances hinder my progress for striving for excellence. I never found a vehicle capable of providing me with the lifestyle I always wanted, so I allowed myself to shrink down my dreams and settle for a life of mediocrity, struggling to live pay-check-to-pay-check. I have always had an interest in leadership and serving others, so after my first TEAM meeting I realized there was something different about the heart beat and principles TEAM stood for. The atmosphere and associations were addictive to be around, which nourished my soul with a hunger to learn and grow personally. I have always been aware of the influence media plays in our lives, so I was instantaneously hooked. The LIFE subscriptions are informative, enjoyable, and simply applicable to every walk of life. They have helped me begin to chip away at my imperfections and smooth out my rough edges. I enjoy the journey of personal growth and development. I feel like a snake shedding my layers of dead skin. Though I was skeptical, rather reluctant, and even self-deceived in each of the "8-F" areas in the beginning, I am so thankful to the LIFE leaders for their influence and impact in my life. I thank God for His grace and for a patient, loving wife (Lynn) who has endured my many weaknesses; we are blessed with 3 wonderful children (Evelynn, Nathan, and Helen) who inspire and motivate me to endure. I hope you open your heart to the ABC's of LIFE: enjoy the friendships of the Associations, ignite your hunger to read recommended Books, and quench your thirst for positive media through listening to CD's. Join with us in living the life you've always wanted.

    Adam Alley - Special Educator

    Missouri/United States

  • Luis & Mayra Ybanez

    I was always looking for an opportunity to better my life, and the lives of my wife and our 2 most beautiful children. When I met Cody Newton (an up and coming GREAT LEADER), he asked me what I most needed in my life, I was stunned because nobody had cared enough to ask that question much less offer help in getting to where I wanted to be. The Life Business has given me that, and much more. Knowing that there is a wealth of information that can give me and others a new or much needed direction in life is amazing...

    Luis & Mayra Ybanez - Insurance Agent / Housewife

    Kansas/United States

  • Jason & Erin Jasper

    How do you put into words the absolute peace you receive when you know you are doing what God has called you to do? ...The best way we know how is to share our story. We started our journey like most people our age. We were in SERIOUS debt, had a "pretty good" marriage, and thought we were doing what was best for our kids. We had a strong faith in God, and we thought we had it all figured out...then we were introduced to LIFE. WOW!!! We couldn't have been more wrong! LIFE challenged us to be the best that we could be in each of the "8 Fs" (FAITH, FAMILY, FINANCES, FITNESS, FREEDOM, FOLLOWING, FRIENDS, and FUN). We have by no means finished our journey, but in just a short period of time, by applying the principles found in the LIFE system, we have completely paid off all of our debt outside of our home. We now have an AMAZING marriage (no quotations needed). We have also been able to witness our girls (ages 9 and 6) develop into young ladies who love to read and who have been able to solve relationship conflicts from which most adults would shy away. We now know that God has used the LIFE system to impact our lives so that we can, in turn, impact the lives of others. LIFE has made such an incredible difference for our family, and it our sincere desire that you would allow it to make the same difference in yours.

    Jason & Erin Jasper - Manager/Pastor & Teacher

    Cagliari/United States

  • We have been in business with the founders of the Life business for some time now. The emphasis on personal and leadership development have been priority 1 the entire time. I could write all day long on the positive changes that have occurred for our family but I think I'll try to be brief. My kids grew up listening to great CDs in the back seat of our cars learning life skills that will help them succeed and think outside the box. We have a deeper understanding in the areas of Faith, Finance, Marriage, Parenting. This crazy community business saved our marriage. On top of all that we have a business that gives us purpose and a chance to establish a legacy through the positive ripple effect that naturally takes place from building TEAM/LIFE communities.

    Joe & Jane McGuire - LIFE Business Owners. Former Doctor and Retail Business Owner

    Michigan/United States

  • Andre & Meme Elliott

    Growing up in low income families, it was very difficult to see a way out. Becoming parents at a very young age darkened the light a little bit more. At that point we had no choice but to strive for excellence, so we found a way to attend Youngstown State University and work toward a bachelors degree in some area that would provide us a better life. As we approached graduation and began searching for employment, the light at the end of the tunnel wasn't as bright as we imagined. More time at work, less time with our family. Then we ran into a friend who introduced us to the LIFE we've always wanted and things have gotten better each day for our family of 5. LIFE has made a tremendous impact on our lives and those around us. We have never felt so much genuine care and concern from a group of people. This business has stretched us beyond belief. We have learned to become better leaders in all areas of life such as church, family, friends, and the community. No matter what is going on in the world around us, the LIFE community has a spirit like no other that spreads like wildfire when a person becomes apart of it. If we could turn back the hands of time 10 years prior, we would find a way to implement the principles we've learned in the past 2 months into our everyday lives. This is a life changing experience and we wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

    Andre & Meme Elliott - Truck Driver/ Customer Service Rep

    Ohio/United States

  • Jackie & Marv Gray

    Fortunately for us we had a son that believed in us and did not think we were too old to make a change in our lives. He encouraged us until we listened to a CD From Italy to Holland. After that we went to a seminar and there has been no looking back. What a difference LIFE is making in our lives. Our marriage is better, we have a defined purpose, we are back attending church and look forward more to what each day brings. We are part of an exciting community and am so glad he did not give up on us.

    Jackie & Marv Gray - RN and Simulator Instructor

    Texas/United States

  • Jennifer  Bova

    I recently had a conversation with a close friend who asked me, "Jen, what are the barriers in your own life?" This friend subscribes to LIFE, LLR, AGO series and is in my 90-day Mental Fitness challenge group. I thought about his question, and knowing that I am a person driven by relationships, I suddenly came to grips with a harsh reality. That reality was: I depend on other people for the fulfillment of who I am internally. Now, with the understanding that through relationships we find encouragement, I'm talking about something a bit deeper. My confidence, energy, and reason for accomplishing goals or simply even going places (out to lunch, on a day trip etc.) was dependent upon if I had people right by my side. If I didn't, I would simply waste time with other tasks until I had someone with me. I was in fear of being alone because I lacked courage and confidence. Something only I could see and feel within me. My Barrier: My own being and my lack of courage and confidence. I had to ask myself, "If I lack courage and confidence, how can I encourage and motivate the students within my classroom to pursue their passions and prepare for a 21st century, ever-changing global society?" From Day #1 with my 90-day Mental Fitness Challenge group, I further examined my purpose and passions. I believe in the LIFE products because in my classroom, I teach more than the subject of Art. I teach life lessons, and when you teach life lessons it is imperative that you remain a student first, filling your heart, mind, and soul with knowledge and information in order to TRULY make a difference. The LIFE products are perfect for any teacher who wants to incorporate values and major 21st century themes of life to their subject area of choice!!!

    Jennifer Bova - Art Teacher

    New Hampshire/United States

  • Ray & Judith Zimmerman

    We are thrilled to be impacted by the LIFE information. I have personally seen growth in my life in relating to other people and caring about them as another human being. My relationship to my kids is daily improving as well as communicating with my wife. Previous to this information, I thought I had a pretty good understanding of finances until listening to those with much better results. I realize I have more to learn and apply and now we are on track to a debt free lifestyle! Through the AGO series and relating to others in LIFE I am challenged to a relationship with God as a Father instead of settling for "I'm a christian I'm okay attitude". I challenge you to step out of your comfort zone, get on subscriptions (yes plural!) and take in information that will give you the opportunity to live the life you were created for!!

    Ray & Judith Zimmerman - Business owner/contractor/ Homekeeper

    Matera/United States

  • Chris & Lisa Arnold

    Lisa and I were reflecting today about the benefits we've seen from the LIFE information and being surrounded by the LIFE community. We've seen several significant benefits in the lives of our family and others we associate with. Sometimes, in the midst of the transformation, we don't recognize the turning points in our lives. Reflecting back today, a key turning point for Lisa solely due to our plugging into the LIFE materials, was her shifting away from watching TV daily. Instead of her starting her day in front of the T.V., she now rises every morning and spends time in daily devotion and prayer. If that were the only thing we ever got out of LIFE it would be worth every penny. As many in our community know, these stories are daily stories of how LIFE is making a difference.

    Chris & Lisa Arnold - Leadership Coach & Teacher

    Inagua/United States

  • Joyce Brooks

    I love to learn. I am so thankful to be in a learning organization where true and meaningful learning takes place. Before coming into LIFE and meeting the leaders, I had read Senge's Fifth Discipline and tried to envision how a learning organization would look. However, as I see LIFE unfold and learn from the Team system, I see how a learning organization really looks and feels. How exciting to learn about all 8 F's and make it a "way of life!"

    Joyce Brooks - Retired educator

    Arezzo/United States

  • Dave W  Clark

    I have been working in the Hotel Industry for over 15 years. Like many people that I knew, once we graduated from High School or College, we found ourselves not willing to read again. Although the only time I did read was when I was forced to do it for the sake of my job. I got introduced to some World-Class Books and CD's that helped me better understand relationships and how to relate to other people's character. Once I started reading, it actually pulled me in and I wanted to know more about how to improve myself. I learned that people have different personality types like Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric and Melancholy. Most people are a combination of 2 but it varies from person to person. There are many Books and CD Packs that helped me learn how to deal with people, handle situations, and understand the principles of having posture. Although, my attitude needs total attention, I am dedicated to stay on the Subscription and learn how I can improve myself. I am not married, but I did get the Marriage & Relationships Pack since I am in a relationship anyway. I believe that everyone these days are expendable. I see close friends in other fields, once they make it to the top of their payscale, they get let go so someone can come in with a huge paycut. That has devastated my friends or people I know who are on Health Insurance and have other financial obligations. So, that forces me to be on top of my game. I have to stay mentally fit in order to survive the job market. So I perform to the best of my ability and try to offer Quality Guest Service with a hospitable and friendly atmosphere. I even offer other to help them now. I have been on the Life Subscription since November of 2011 and I do not see any time soon getting off. Since I quit trying to fix everybody else's mistakes, I now concentrate on fixing my own and lead by example. A few of my coworkers have noticed my attitude change. I since have been recognized for Employee of the Quarter from our Guest Satisfaction Surveys. That means the world to me and keeps me in a positive attitude. Although I am still learning, I understand that I still do not know it all. I have improved myself in listening to people instead of assuming. I quit answering their questions before they get the question out. I now offer that added personal and sincere relationship or guest contact that "My Guests" expect. When it is time for the guest decide to come back to the area, that personable connection usually brings them back to our hotel. I am so thankful that I had tools and the ambition to change my attitude and my perspective on life. I don't know if is just me, but I found that I do need help in all the 8 F's of my LIFE.

    Dave W Clark - Guest Service Representative

    Michigan/United States

  • Suzanne & Edward Maxwell

    When I was introduced to this business, my husband wanted no part of it; he thought it was just another one of my little businesses that I have always had on the side, looking for that one thing that change everything. He drove me to my meetings and listened in and then we started listening to cds. Before long, he realized what we had our hands on. We owned two businesses, but we were money and time poor. Soon, we replaced his income and closed one business that was a used car dealership. My business is a bakery, so he was able to help me with my bakery, the Lovin Oven in Lancaster, Texas. Now we have more time to do this business. Before the cd's and books we could never work together, but the cd's and books were so powerful that all that changed and they also helped us out of the huge financial mess we were in because we had never been taught how to manage our money. The cds and books are a huge part of our life now and introducing other people to them also is an amazing opportunity. I look forward to the day that I will be able to retire from the bakery and do only this business.

    Suzanne & Edward Maxwell - Business Owners

    Texas/United States

  • Ed & Tina Zachow

    The education system that has been created by the LIFE business has changed not only our businesses, but also all aspects of our personal life. My home inspection business and my wife's children's entertainment business have never been better. We no longer promote or advertise these businesses and yet they are busier than ever before. The only thing we changed is adding the LIFE business and plugging into it wholeheartedly! We love the personal growth and the leadership information and continue to apply it to our lives. Our marriage, our parenting, and all aspects of our personal lives have improved dramatically because of this information and the community that supports it. It can truly be life changing!

    Ed & Tina Zachow - Small business owners

    Michigan/United States

  • David & Rachel Garza

    When we were introduced to this business, we thought we were doing well financially. We were your typical DINKWADs (Double-Income-No-Kids-With-A-Dog). Rachel was working as a Registered Dietitian and David was working as a Marketing and Fundraising Director. We had two decent full-time incomes, a static (aka not growing) savings account, two car payments, student loan payments, and a mortgage. We were on cruise control, and didn't even know it. We thought that we had it all together because we paid off our credit card balance in full each month. Then we were introduced to the LIFE materials... Clayton and Georgia Baker let us borrow a couple of CDs from the Maximize Your Finances Pack (Orrin's 10 Laws of Financial Management and Chris' Money as Slave). We resolved to implement as much of the advice in our personal finances as possible. Just by being intentional with our finances, we were able to pay off $24,000 in debt, including David's almost new car and most of Rachel's student loans, in a six month time frame. The information has been invaluable to us. The financial principles prepared us for Rachel to stay home with the baby we had in July 2010, and helped to give us security through David's 4-months of unemployment from December 2010 to April 2011, an ordeal that we might not have survived had God not led us to act upon our new knowledge. We have now paid off over $35,000 in debt, have a growing savings account, and are completely debt free. When we had debt and other financial obligations, we were held back from pursuing our true calling to the missions field, which we are now able to pursue. Thank you LIFE, for you have truly changed our lives.

    David & Rachel Garza - Sales / Dietitian

    New York/United States

  • Richard Burks

    I am very excited about the life Program. I have gotten tired of the day to day-Nothing changing, nothing gained. When I was introduced to Life, I saw a new life. I saw the path that could lead me to a new light at the end of my tunnel, just follow a path already laid out for me. People sometimes don't see that light because life has covered their eyes with business and repetitiveness . This program called Life will lift that cover from your eyes. It has in mine....

    Richard Burks - Paramedic

    Massa and Carrara/United States

  • Cassie Krueger

    I was introduced to LIFE and its community when I was going through a "valley time." I was struggling with adjusting to a new city, new job and finding friends. One of my co-workers had the guts to call me and ask if I wanted to hear about LIFE. After seeing the information I was in shock because there was finally a group that was searching for ways to better our community through leadership. LIFE has brought hope back into my life. I was on the verge of depression and my finances were a mess because I was just trying to get by and too stubborn to call and ask my parents for help. Then my co-worker brought me to a meeting. This was no ordinary meeting, everyone was NICE! And they seemed to just be interested in who I was. I soon realized that LIFE was to be part of my life forever. Since becoming a member of LIFE I have started getting my finances on track and am working toward becoming debt free. I have found some of the best friends on earth, some that are willing to do more for you than a family member may. I have a purpose to create a world that is full of people with integrity and values. I have hope. God Bless

    Cassie Krueger - Music Teacher

    Wisconsin/United States

  • Tom & Holly Goodrich

    I can't even begin to tell you the impact LIFE has made on me and my family. I've only been involved for 6 months now and I have read 5 books (slow reader) which I hadn't done for the last 17yrs or so. I started with Resolved. (WOW!that was a lot to chew on for a guy who hadn't been reading.) Then I moved to The Magic of Thinking Big. (Buy that right now if you want to succeed!) Then on to Personality Plus. (Just want to give a shout out to all the Sanguines out there!) Next book was The 5 Love Languages. (My marriage has never been stronger.) After that it was The Ant and The Elephant (Time to start steering that big guy in the direction I want it to go.) I'm currently reading Tim Mark's books The Voyage of a Viking, and it's got me laughing and crying! All I can say is that if you are new to LIFE, plug in and start growing again. I'm ashamed that I'd stopped growing and learning. Remember "You don't know what you don't know...you know"! Live the LIFE you've always wanted.

    Tom & Holly Goodrich - Factory Supervisor

    Ohio/United States

  • Andy & Carey Benson

    When I was introduced to this business, I told my fellow fire brother that I would look at it for him. Little did I know that this was for me. At that time I thought I was a great father/husband/employee, and needed no outside help. I was addicted to drugs and had a hard heart. I didn't believe in GOD and was "doing pretty good." When we were shown the plan, we liked the idea of extra income when LIFE was launched. I thought, great, more money to spend. After consideration, I asked my wife, Carey, "What if we don't join and we miss out?", so we signed up. This was the BEST decision we have done for our family. Since then I replaced music with cd's and t.v. with books. I quit my addictions, got baptized on Palm Sunday, became the husband my wife deserves, and have become a better employee. If it wasn't for a couple of rascals who chose to create this awesome business, I would have been stuck in my old ways still. And because my mind was stretched, and cannot return to it's original state, I have written this self affirmation, and want to share it with anyone who feels like I did. Because of my decisions and actions, I am stuck, unable to move forward with my life and become the man GOD intended me to be. Since this has been discovered, I have chosen to pull myself out. But to do this I need help from others who can not loose their grip. It is imperative that I accomplish this new challenge in my life, for my children, my wife, my family, my brotherhood, and for my GOD. This new choice, new lifestyle, will not be easy. There will be challenges, and emotional times, but my flesh can not and will not get in the way of my spirit anymore. I WILL keep my posture, and promise to help others as others have helped me. I have found a new high, a new addiction, and that is LIFE. With that being said, I thank Orrin Woodward, Chris Brady, Tim Marks, Bill Lewis, Dan Hawkins, Steve Lerquin, Gary Severson, Kevin Knutson, Todd Fulton and all the other leaders whom I didn't mention for all their hard work and never giving up on wrecks like me. And I will do the same and challenge anyone out there who was stuck like me to pull themselves out and enjoy LIFE. The victory is worth all the struggles and challenges. GOD bless everyone who just linked into LIFE, and all the others who will join, and the folks who "are doing pretty good." A Million people! And many more after that.

    Andy & Carey Benson - fence erector/fire fighter

    Wisconsin/United States

  • Phil Chapman

    I have heard in many LIFE meetings and seminars that the product of the LIFE business is more than just the CDs and books. It is better lives and better people. 6 Months ago I started listening to CDs and reading books from the LIFE collection. I attended seminars and was rubbing shoulders with people that were uplifting and committed to a better world and a better me. I love my crew and the guests that visit my restaurant often. But as I learned more and more I discovered that I wanted to make a bigger and more profound difference. I started passively looking for jobs that would fulfill that desire. I found a job online that would give me the opportunity to work with and educate children in a setting that is exactly what LIFE is teaching me. I applied for this awesome job that 6 months ago I would have looked at and merely day dreamed about. 9 days later I was offered the job. I was willing to accept the same or even a bit less pay for this magnificent answer to prayer. But it was not to be. My new employer offered me $25000 a year MORE than I was currently making!! The LIFE material has helped me discover a man that can do great things. This job would NEVER have happened without the amazing training and mentoring I have gotten through this business. I AM the product. Thank you

    Phil Chapman - EX Restaurant Manager

    Matera/United States

  • Mike & Leah Gruen

    When I (Mike) saw the plan, it struck a chord in me. There really was a way to make a living out of helping people in a profound way in their life! Life was always filled full of things that seemed too good to be true, and most of the time that was the case, but with this business there weren't any gaps or faults visible. I thought that my purpose had been found, FINALLY! It was such a blessing that I nearly fell to my knees that night and cried thank you to God, that I could quit meandering through the world trying to work good in a way that only felt like sticking my finger in a dam. Words cannot adequately describe the feeling of knowing that you can save your family, and many others, from the quagmire that is the economy today. Leah, my wife, is an amazing woman and mother to our one year old daughter Emma, whom thank God will never know us to have conventional jobs. Leah has been a wonderful supporter of many things that I do, and dream of doing, and this was no exception when I brought it home. She was certainly skeptical, but saw a great purpose in this, and that there wasn't much stopping me. Now she's going to plans with me, and we're moving forward to our future! I've worked customer service for a large part of my working career, and I have always been driven to please and help people with whatever they need. I just didn't realize that I'd be helping people in this great of a life need! Leah has been working with children for most of her life, and to realize that she will be not just loving children with her provided care, but their parents too! As simple as this Life business is, it's the best option today to battle against the threats of this economy and poor choices of the American and Canadian society. We are a part of the Band of Brothers, under the direction of the Redosa's, the Rieber's, and more directly mentored by my best friend Jason Parker. Thanks to all above mentioned, and the rest of the crew of "Easy Company" that hasn't been mentioned. We're leading the way! (By the way, in our photo, our daughter's foot is not turned backwards. Her shoe was falling off :P)

    Mike & Leah Gruen - Grocery Customer Service and Children's Daycare Provider

    Ohio/United States

  • The LIFE business has meant so much to Barb and I. The CD's and books have helped us so much in handling day-to-day situations with each other, our kids, and with other people. The LIFE business has taught us to serve others above self. I wanted to share just a quick example of how the LIFE business and its teachings helped a group of young ladies that I had the privilege to coach this past year. The Junior High Girls basketball team won the SIJHSAA State Tournament back in January. We didn't have the tallest team, the best shooting team or, in many cases, the most talented team. The qualities that this group had were belief, trust and incredible work ethic. They were very disciplined and they learned to dream and set their goals high. Before my exposure to the LIFE business I had forgotten how to dream and how to help others to dream. In an early season tournament, we suffered a couple of tough losses that could have been damaging to our confidence. Thankfully, I was able to pull a situation, quote or story from a book or CD that helped us refocus and fight through adversity. Three weeks after the tournament loss, we defeated them easily on our home court with only one loss the rest of the year during the regular season. We later played them for the Regional Championship and defeated them to advance to the State Tournament. In each case, we probably weren't the most talented team, but we refused to accept defeat and we found a way to win. Ultimately, we beat a talented, undefeated team for the Championship. The only group who thought we had a chance that day were myself, my fellow coaches and the girls in the locker room. One of the things I told them after we had won the championship was they had even greater accomplishments ahead in their lives. I can only hope this group of girls will take the lessons and victories achieved this season and learn to serve others and help others to achieve their goals, dreams and freedom. I can take comfort in knowing the LIFE business has had a tremendous impact on my life, my family's life and the lives of the girls I was able to touch this year (and we all have greater accomplishments ahead in the 8 F's).

    Gregory & Barbara Schafer - U.S. Postal Service/ Coach and Substitute Teacher

    Illinois/United States

  • Adan & Yancy Chaj

    We were introduced to the LIFE materials and the impact it has had in our marriage and our family has been great. Being able to get along with each other and becoming better parents to our to wonderful children really is invaluable. We love to go out and share what an impact it can have in families and our communities. Thank you LIFE for creating the best products to improve ourselves.

    Adan & Yancy Chaj - Machine operator and Dental Assistant

    Cagliari/United States

  • Michael and Andrea Renkas

    We (Mike & Andrea) were first introduced to LIFE by Andrea's mom, Beth Hartman, and her pastors wife, Lisa Mangold. Mike was working as a police officer and I was working as a Secretary/Nursing Assistant. These two titles defined us, our lifestyles, and our futures. There were many things we wished for and we kept saying "someday", but knew deep down they were not attainable. I was very resistant to the idea of listening and reading at first, and had every excuse (time poor, money poor etc), but was open minded enough to take a look. I didn't know it, but I was looking for something different. I realized both Mike and I had given up on what they truly wanted in life, and had already started on a "settled for" lifestyle at 23 years old! Seeing the results Lisa had, I started to learn and realized there was much more to this then just "making money" or just personal lifestyle changes. LIFE was about becoming better, being informed, being an example of success for others, and making a difference in the lives of others. Mike was slow in coming around and learning, but he eventually realized the LLR series CD's really made an impact on his thinking. He realized by changing and learning for himself be could make a significant impact at work, especially when he applied this to his specific job, working with coworkers, and the people he interacted with on a daily basis. He got involved knowing that this world certainly needed a change, and LIFE was the answer. The information we get from LIFE never told us what to think. Thankfully, it did get us thinking though! The best thing about this opportunity is that, not only is the information positive and encouraging, but we have learned about aspects in life that we never thought of before. We were always ones, like many others, that chose to be ignorant when it came to politics, finances, faith, economics, and leadership. These things didn't interest us because we thought these topics were boring, they didn't affect us, and/or we knew it all already. In truth, we were unaware and uninformed. We thank God we decided to take a leap of faith and learn some different information from people who cared enough to share it with us. We look forward to a bright future with the LIFE! We encourage others to be open minded and to seriously consider what the person who introduced this to you has to offer. Most people agree that they could improve in at least 1 area of life, if not all! Don't choose to be uninformed any longer, like we did for so long. Whether its finances or leadership development, learning more about faith, a better family life, or the freedom to make choices again, or just to be a part of a fun, positive and uplifting environment, there is something here for everyone!

    Michael and Andrea Renkas - Police Officer and Secretary

    Wisconsin/United States

  • Scott  Staley

    My professional background has been almost exclusively in automotive manufacturing supervision. I liked the structured systems as there was a system or prescribed action for every situation. I became very proficient at using those systems and having successes in that environment. However, the more successful I became, I found that it pulled me farther and farther away from the things that I valued - time with my family and friends. Financially I was becoming increasingly more dependent on the income that the job provided - I was extremely busy being broke in that system. The LIFE materials have helped me to 'change direction' with my life and to actually begin to schedule my life based on my priorities versus my obligations. I love that the materials are experiential teaching: people with success on the topic that's being taught, so others learn how to duplicate the results into their life. I particularly like the Maximize Your Finances Pack - and it has revolutionized the way that I think about my finances and has given me clearly defined actions to continue to progress to the future that I desire. I would highly recommend LIFE to everyone. Ideas have consequences, why would we blindly accept mediocrity? LIFE changes lives.

    Scott Staley - Automotive Manufacturing Supervision


  • Tom & Missy Barkman

    (Husband) Before joining the LIFE business, my marriage was in shambles, our finances were a mess, and my self-esteem was miles below sea level. I dropped out of school in the 9th grade and I had a sense of failure that was not easily overcome. I was introduced to the LIFE business and realized that I was going to have to read to succeed. It was a real struggle to finish a book, but the more I read the more hungry I got for knowledge and truth. Slowly I began to notice that my attitudes and actions were changing. I started developing positive habits. I learned how to use self-talk and self motivation to complete what I started. Before LIFE, I wasn't acting like a husband or father. I was selfish, inconsiderate and wasteful. I did a lot of things that destroyed relationships with many people. My attitudes, actions and poor choices lead to my wife filing for divorce and contributed to a deep depression. I didn't act like a leader at all. I wouldn't take responsibility for myself, much less contribute to my family. I relied on my wife or others to do everything for me. After becoming involved with LIFE, I now stand up for what is right. I have become a faithful husband and father who doesn't wimp out when faced with challenges. Now my family's needs come before my selfish desires. The personal growth that I have achieved in LIFE has helped me become a real leader in the household; spiritually and financially. The LIFE business has changed me and I am gaining my wife's respect. I can't say enough about how this information has made a difference! It has been a LIFE-SAVER! (Wife) Before getting involved with LIFE, I was the leader of the house. I wanted a "real man" to take care of things, but had to do everything myself. I was the one who went to work, did the grocery shopping, stressed out over bills, took care of the kids, made the doctor's appointments, dealt with the school, etc. My husband was basically a room-mate; a live in housekeeper and he didn't even do a good job with that. I often would come home after working a 12-hour shift to find the kids fighting, the house a mess and him sleeping in the bedroom, playing video games or gone without a trace. I would be left to stress over how I was going to pay the bills and feed my family. Our house was in foreclosure, my health was failing and my husband was lazy. I wanted out of this marriage. Now through this business we are both learning and growing in the 8 F's. My husband is becoming a real man; the man of my dreams. No counselor has been able to do for our marriage what this business has done. We are now united and working toward a common goal; a successful, happy life together. Thank you LIFE!

    Tom & Missy Barkman - Stay at home dad married to an RN (Clinical and Quality Review Specialist)

    Michigan/United States

  • Jayson  Shoemaker

    Over the recent past, I have been studying the best I could under the Life materials. I came from a rapidly dropping lifestyle; failing my classes, getting into drugs, not being able to hold a job, and associating with people who were going down the same path as I was. I remember the day vividly when I had hope in my eyes after I was introduced to the business concept and began the journey on that reason alone. I was in the process of getting a certification in Massage Therapy when one of my classmates took me out on a Tuesday night and introduced my to Chris Mattis and Jeff Wolf. Two people who have been a severe influence on who I am today. They set the example I needed to pull up on the yoke of my life and break the list of bad habits I have been engraving into my everyday lifestyle. I regained respect for myself, Moved into a much better job, and took enough control over my finances to freely move out of my parents house and now live on my own in San Rafael, California. I am actively building the business now because I have much bigger dreams waiting for me than working 60+ hours a week in sales. I never though for a second before this entered my life that my most fueling desire is to get married and start a family. God Bless

    Jayson Shoemaker - Sales

    Cagliari/United States

  • Brad & Wendy Eaton

    How do we love LIFE, let us count the ways! Let's see... better marriage, better parents, better relationships with others, more responsible (including in finance dept), better perspective on life itself, met so many wonderful people, reading material and listening to information that is an investment into our lives for the better, and a deepened spiritual walk with our Lord Jesus Christ. Oh, and let us not forget... building a residual pipeline income for the future, which will in turn give us the resources to be a blessing to others (and pay off debt!). If you are reading this testimonial, and debating on whether or not this is "your cup of tea"... take a leap of faith and give it a shot! Plug into the information! What's the worst that can happen to you? Um, you become a better person, spouse, parent, employee (there is a way out of the "E" quadrant... through LIFE!)? Thank you LIFE founders for this wonderful opportunity! As time goes by we are continually amazed by this company!! God bless!

    Brad & Wendy Eaton - Insurance Advisor / Homemaker

    Michigan/United States

  • Hi. We were introduced to LIFE by our son. At first, he just offered for me to read some of the books he had purchased. Being an accountant of course I picked up the financial books first. When I read "Rich Dad Poor Dad" it was like getting a slap in the face. All the technical book knowledge I had gained as an accountant were not helpful at all in acquiring my own personal wealth. With us being a bit later in life, investing in real estate or a franchise type business did not attract us but the idea of creating income by becoming part of a community that is learning and applying good advice in all aspects of life was very attractive. I was amazed that after reading the book "Whale Done" I was able to immediately apply what I had learned to help someone with a parenting issue. After all these years we finally defined our dreams and goals and have since started to make things happen in the direction we want to go. We have seen and met real people who have reached their goals, big or small, and are willing to invest the time to help others do the same. This organization has had a super positive impact on our lives and we hope to bless others with it.

    Ginette & Marcel Genest - Accountant


  • Hello. I would like to take a few minutes and tell everyone that even though I have not been aboard the L.I.F.E. team very long, I have learned a lot so far.Last Saturday night I met some amazing people. I was just in awe. I would like to personally thank Denny and Donna Brodock and Jason Tingley. Without them, I would not be here today. When Denny and Donna told me about this business, I was not interested at all, but after listening to some cd's I have become more interested. Belinda DeWitt and myself had our first house plan on Super Bowl Sunday. Yes, I know, it was not the best of time then, but we had a great turn out so my hats off to Denny and Donna Brodock and Jason Tingley! They are three great people....Thank you Denny, Donna and Jason...

    Richard Brodock - Transportation

    Ohio/United States

  • Bryan & Rebecca Bell

    My wife and I were introduced to the LIFE business by one of the top leaders, Dean Frey through my wife's parents, Rodney and Diana Harris. Dean's son, Zach Frey (who is also an up and coming leader in LIFE) went on a church mission trip with Diana Harris in the summer of 2010. Zach really impressed my mother-in-law with his demeanor, intelligence and overall outlook on life at the young age of 18! It was obvious that this kid grew up in an environment that's different than most. He was just a product of being around and having access to true leadership and life changing information. God put this opportunity into our path at just the right time in our lives, as He always does. My wife had been laid off from the architecture firm she worked at just months before, and I was struggling working extra hours while feeling like we were falling more and more behind. Once we started listening, reading and applying this information into our lives everything changed for the better. God blessing us with this information has bettered our marriage, our parenting, our relationships with friends and family, and our finances. I can truly say that we have been awakened and have started dreaming again. We both have a passion for architecture and we both are currently going through the licensure process. We just never imagined the stress of working for firms that typically over-work and under-pay their employees. We also would love to practice architecture on our own, for pleasure, where we could pick and choose our clients and projects starting with our own residence! The most amazing part is that success in this business comes from helping others achieve their life goals and dreams. LIFE has been a true blessing for us and I would recommend this company to anyone!

    Bryan & Rebecca Bell - Architect

    Alabama/United States

  • Marcus  Massey

    Taking the initial step to commit the effort and time needed to actually look into this LIFE Business and all it has to offer has given me a different outlook on how my businesses were run and how quickly I figured out I was simply in the wrong business. Since that day I have devoted all my time towards creating an even better life for myself and my future family and in turn changing my entire family's way of thinking, speaking and caring for one another. This journey has been the greatest and absolute most difficult one that I could have ever stumbled into and quite frankly I'm glad that I did. I have gained more confidence as a person and as a motivational speaker, a friend, a member of my church and every other foundation I have stepped foot in. I didn't erase the page that brought me immediate success to start this journey. I simply turned to a new page and began the process. I am so fired up to start and finish with a strong sense of courage and happiness.

    Marcus Massey - Business Owner

    AA (Armed Forces)/United States

  • Jeff Ulrich

    Picture a young man who was selling himself short. Picture a man who felt trapped into irrelevance because he was no longer traveling the vocational path he once was highly praised for, and because his degree earned him no edge with prospective employers. Picture a man who felt he was out of options for how to provide a beautiful and bright future for his family that he used to dream of having. Picture a man utterly discouraged over believing his lot in life was set in stone. You’re seeing me, Jeff, up until the day I was taken to see Dan & Lisa Hawkins at a “house plan” in my small Minnesota town. My spirits were stirred and curiosity aroused by Dan’s information. My hopes were raised once again by Lisa’s enthusiasm, and I told the friend who brought me, “Let’s go somewhere and talk about this after. I need to do something.” The next day my wife and I signed up in LIFE, and have ridden the roller coaster of learning to cross over to the right half of the Cash Flow Quadrant ever since. I immediately saw the potential for me to use latent abilities and desires of the heart, for service to my fellow man, that I had once carried through my education. My wife immediately believed she could truly thrive as a stay at home mother one day soon. We saw the world through different, more caring eyes, and with the help of the information in the LIFE business, we know we’re a part of the biggest movement America has seen in a long time. I want to tell anyone who’s reading this 3 important things: 1) If you have ever felt you didn’t belong anywhere, and yearned to be a part of something that will matter for years to come – join us! 2) If you have ever felt stuck in a rut and your ability to achieve more is handcuffed – join us! 3) If you’ve ever felt guilty of complaining about the downward slide of our country and society, and want to have more to do than stand on the sidelines – join us! Orrin Woodward is a man of vision, Chris Brady is a man of passion and genius, and they along with the rest of the Policy Council, and on down through the ranks of true leaders, will show you the better way that we’ve found. I’ve found my purpose, and I am doing LIFE for life!

    Jeff Ulrich - Blue Collar Man

    Wisconsin/United States

  • Christi Wilson

    My husband Gary and I have known some of the current LIFE leaders for over 4 years. Being introduced to LIFE in November of 2011 was the turning point for us! It is such a joy to be surrounded by like-minded individuals who are so upbeat and motivating! LIFE has proven to be the business that offers more than just a 2nd income! It's given us keys to bettering our marriage, our finances, and becoming better people, all the way around! Each time I attend a LIFE event, I am surrounded by motivation, encouragement, and uplifting individuals who make you feel proud of your accomplishments, no matter how big or small they may be! It's an awesome feeling to be around people who really CARE about YOU! When you feel this kind of encouragement, you can't help but want to go share this with others! Mark & Lori Maas and Steve & Debbie Wethal have all been instrumental in helping us with our LIFE goals. From meeting with us one-on-one, to getting together to do a book discussion with us, to just being there to listen and help! I can't thank them enough for all they've done to help us grow as individuals; and as a married couple! There truly just aren't enough words to express our gratitude and thanks to this amazing team of individuals that have given so much of themselves to see others succeed in life! It's an amazing gift to be a part of this team! Thank You Mark, Lori, Steve, Debbie, and Dan & Lisa Hawkins for introducing us to LIFE!

    Christi Wilson - Homemaker

    Wisconsin/United States

  • Justin  Kurtz

    Thanks to a great mother in law (yes Chris they exist) we entered LIFE enthusiastically. It was exactly what God had shown as a solution to my health challenges. As a congenital heart defect survivor with three open heart surgeries and a pacemaker, I had to quit killing myself in corporate America. I knew there was something else out there that could give me my dreams. (First disabled person launched into space) I had stumbled across the concept of reading and improving myself first but had to wade through "free" information trying to find good information. Since finding LIFE, my pace for improvement has excelled immensely. The ability to become the husband and especially father I had dreamed of and to end the cycle of destructive behavior in my family has been the most rewarding gift of a lifetime. Thanks to LIFE we have applied goal setting to improve our sons performance in life. I can also prove to my son and others that no matter what with God all things are possible and one should never give up freedom for the slavery of a gov't check. Now instead of being a part of the problem me and my family are an active part of the solution. After reading one book my marriage was vastly improved, and the parenting pack has transformed me as a father. We are so grateful for the information and association with people who believe in crazy dreams. Never forget, you are the problem, but you are also the solution.

    Justin Kurtz - Father/Disability

    Missouri/United States

  • Isaias  Vicente

    I am a new member of life, and it has been amazing. I love the CDS, the books, and the education is the first class. I was looking for something to help me to become a business man because that is what I always wanted to be, and this is a great business opportunity. I am sorry for my but writing but English is my second language.

    Isaias Vicente - Construction

    Nevada/United States

  • Sarah Fronick

    At 17 years old, I decided to pursue a seven-year double major in Architecture and Architectural Engineering. I never looked back on this decision, no matter how many people advised me otherwise. After graduation, the pursuit of professional licenses would take another seven years. I didn’t know how a marriage and family would fit into my plan. I was so career-driven, that it hadn’t occurred to me the sacrifices I was blindly making in other areas of my life. The greatest blessing during college was meeting Ryan. Several years later, we were married and I got a great job at a well-known architecture firm working in healthcare. This was a very promising career track for me professionally, but it required a lot of travel and overtime. After a few years of this lifestyle, it finally began to occur to me that I wanted more than just a successful career, thanks to my husband’s leadership. He saw more for us than what was defined by the lifestyle of two architects. He began to dream about where and how we would live if we could choose. We explored options in real estate, inventions, and self-employed business ventures, to no avail. We now know that the reason those weren’t successful, is because we were relying on information we already knew to make them work. It wasn’t until we were reacquainted with my hometown friends, Brandon & Kristina Brazier, who invited us to a seminar, that we learned the answers lie in new information from people who have what we want in LIFE. Being career-driven all my life, I had some things to learn from LIFE. I didn’t know it was possible to earn my freedom and live my priorities instead of my obligations. I didn’t know I could earn a living without having to separate how the Bible says I’m supposed to live my life. I didn’t know the joy of making an eternal difference in other people’s lives by helping them with their marriage, parenting, faith, or finances. I didn’t know how desperately this country needs freedom restored, and that I can help. I didn’t know that retirement has nothing to do with age. I didn’t know my purpose-the thrill of pursuing God’s definition of a woman of excellence. I didn’t know how to be a wife of excellence. I didn’t know the peace that comes from my husband being the spiritual leader of our home. I didn’t know that being a mom is the most rewarding, challenging, fulfilling and significant career I could ever have, and thanks to our results in LIFE, I now have job security as a full-time mom! We thank God that the Braziers introduced us to this systematic approach to a better LIFE, and we are grateful for the coaching of Chris & Marcia Robinson and mentoring of Mark & Rita Haas. Do yourself, your friends, and your family a favor and find out what you don’t know about LIFE! Your legacy depends on it.

    Sarah Fronick - Architect

    Missouri/United States

  • Ryan Fronick

    I want to thank the founders of LIFE for designing a systematic way to develop one’s leadership ability. As an architect, I understand the value of ongoing (continuing) education. The LIFE information taught me that “Methods are many, principles are few; methods may change, principles never do.” Up until being introduced to LIFE, the wisdom I was seeking was method-based in my field of focus, primarily design and technology. As my career developed, my priorities began to change, but I continued to utilize method-based knowledge to pursue results that would allow me and my family more freedom. Several paths I experimented with were concrete countertops, inventions, real estate, and furniture; these endeavors left me even more time-poor and with fewer financial resources. After reading Cashflow Quadrant and Chris Brady & Orrin Woodward’s Launching a Leadership Revolution, I realized that a principle-centered education was required in both the professional and personal realm in order to get different results. Through LIFE’s liber-based (classical) education model that focuses on the 8Fs of Faith, Family, Finances, Freedom, Fun, Fitness, Following, & Friends, my paradigm began to change. I finally had information that would lead to results aligned with my priorities. In the professional realm, the LLR subscription series helped me develop and apply an understanding of personalities, a systems-thinking mindset, improved communication/listening abilities, and how to establish trust. This professional growth has increased my influence with clients, communication with colleagues, and elevated my ability to collaborate with consultants. The information in the LIFE system helped me cultivate a consistently genuine positive attitude that my colleagues noticed, and even asked, “What’s different about you?” The LIFE program has also impacted my personal growth. Because of this information and the association of others who are pursuing excellence, I have found Christ and begun to study and apply scripture, developed a hunger for the foundational principles of freedom, and implemented the financial principles of delayed gratification, long-term vision, and the power of compounding. The LIFE information is equipping me to lead my household and pursue a God-centered marriage that will yield multi-generational faithfulness. Some of our best friendships have come from this community. Launching a Leadership Revolution helped me discern and embrace the foundational qualities of leadership-being hungry, honable, and honorable. It is through this foundation and the belief, coaching and mentorship of Chris & Marcia Robinson and Mark & Rita Haas that has made all of this possible. For the person who is ambitious, looking, teachable, and honest the LIFE program will provide the framework to develop a principle-centered education that will radically change your LIFE in a positive direction. I thank God for the thin threads that led Sarah and me to LIFE, because we now have confident hope for a bright future!

    Ryan Fronick - Architect

    Missouri/United States

  • Robert & Windy Stanton

    We recently subscribed to the AGO series and have been blown away by the fabulous material! The Fruitful Life by Jerry Bridges was the first book we received and it has already made a HUGE difference in my life. This book, like a lot of LIFE materials, challenges me to be a better me! The only difference is, this book challenges me to be a better me for the glory of God. I have told everyone about this book, including my Pastor, and he would like to use it for a Bible study class. It has really helped me to "put on the character of God." Thanks to Tim Marks and the AGO Team for selecting such a superb study in the fruit of the spirit!

    Robert & Windy Stanton - Air Force Hurricane Hunter & Stay At Home Mom

    Massa and Carrara/United States

  • Steve & Beth  Morgan

    The information that we have learned has changed everything in our lives. Its amazing that great information exists and most people will never even know about it. I love our mission here, to get truth to the public. As we set out on this journey we selfishly wanted only better finances and didn't care about the rest. Now I see how many more people like me are out there. Being free is better than I could ever describe. My recommendation is to give it a try yourself, with this vehicle you can do it. Be careful who you take advice from in the world, they may not have the results you are looking for.

    Steve & Beth Morgan - Electrician/ secretary

    Michigan/United States

  • David A Hall

    Who Will You Be Five Years From Now? I've heard it said that the person you will be five years from now will be largely influenced by the people you meet and the books you read. I can now personally verify that the statement is, indeed, true.  The year after our family returned from the mission field I had the good fortune of meeting Matt and Michelle Mielke. Shortly after we met, I received a phone call from Matt saying he'd like to get together. He expressed a genuine interest in getting to know me better and tell me about a leadership development opportunity. Little did I know how that one meeting and the deep friendship that ensued with Matt would change my life forever.  Matt described the profound changes that had occurred in nearly every area of his life since becoming involved in the LIFE Business. I came the following Tuesday evening to hear more and was surprised by the mere size of the gathering as well as the responses I got when I inquired about why people were a part of LIFE. Everyone enthusiastically told me, not about a product, but about how the LIFE training system and this community has changed their lives; everything from a better marriage to improved parenting to deepened faith to advancement in their workplace! I looked through the introductory materials, attended a few more Tuesdays and I was hooked. Why did I join the LIFE Community? Because I was desperately looking for answers.  What Matt didn't know when we first met was that God had sent him in answer to the prayers of someone who was broken in spirit, angry, depressed and grieving. The prayers were mine. The someone was me.  After thirty years of ministry and twenty-five years of marriage, I wasn't sure I wanted either. My habitual co-dependency in relating to my wife, Sarah, coupled with my incessant people-pleasing in our ministry finally resulted in a confrontation with leadership that left me gasping for air. After building a ministry for over twelve years, it all dissolved overnight.     With the end of our ministry came a tough period of unemployment made even more challenging by the economic downturn. It became painfully clear that I needed new information and associations if I was going to get different results in my marriage, my financial standing, my parenting and my personal growth and leadership.  I am not overstating the fact when I say that I owe a life-debt to Matt and Michelle Mielke, Orrin Woodward, Chris Brady and the other five LIFE Founders. Without their courageous, sacrificial leadership and friendship, and the wisdom learned through the LIFE training system I don't know if I would be married or continuing to do ministry. Of course, the ultimate thanks and praise go to a loving and gracious God, who has showered me with a love deeper than anything this world can offer. Who will you be five years from now?

    David A Hall - Worship Pastor

    Wisconsin/United States

  • Rebecca Cone

    2012, this HAS to be the year! God wants us to prosper so that we can do more for Him....how can we make that happen? Not by being couch potatoes watching ungodly stuff on t.v. filling our minds with junk. Not by listening to negative people who want our life to be just as sad as they make theirs out to be. Not by making excuses on why we can't help change the world. We CAN prosper by helping others prosper. By showing them there is a way! Life doesn't have to me miserable, it's a mindset we place ourselves in sometimes. IF we would just change our mindset, stop listening to the devil (neg thoughts) and start listening to what God tells us, COMMANDS us to do in His scriptures then we WILL prosper. The spirit of God will LEAD you into ALL truths, I'm so thankful for LIFE, the TRUTH it offers, and the word of God they stick to, because they know that without God we're nothing! God changes us to become better and He has used LIFE as part of His tools to help me! To God and to them, I am very grateful! It's a daily process of growing and feeding our minds, so don't expect that I've changed over night. It's taken my whole life to get me where I am, It will take the rest of my life to be who I am called to be in Christ.

    Rebecca Cone - Housewife

    Georgia/United States

  • Blaine  Terrill

    I would not be present today had I not been invited to a Tuesday (invite-only) Open Meeting by Tom & Sharon McBride. Whatever prompted you to explore www.the-lifebusiness.com, rest assured it was not coincidence. For your sake, explore the materials and attend functions until your curiosity is satisfied. I choose LIFE so my story will be worth hearing. I choose LIFE to save a life. I choose LIFE because I have been blessed. I choose LIFE to be a blessing. I choose LIFE to seek answers for myself and the weary innumerable, down-trodden people I have had the joy of meeting over the years. I choose LIFE to help Military & Public service Vets. I choose LIFE to set an example. I choose LIFE to preserve the family unit in America. I choose LIFE offer hope to single parents. I choose LIFE to honor those of you who have loved me despite my nature. I choose LIFE to honor the memory of the service men & women who have laid down their lives for our freedoms. I choose LIFE to honor my teachers who taught truth principles for sub-standard pay. I choose LIFE for those I've offended, let down, and abused. I choose LIFE for my future wife and children. I choose LIFE to help you achieve your dreams. I choose LIFE to prove to myself I am worthy. I choose LIFE to develop my faith, humility, discipline, temperance, honor, peace, joy, integrity, vision and passion. I choose LIFE not of my own power, but through God's ever present grace by Christ's blood. If you know me well, you know how selfish I have been. Whether you become a LIFE member or subscriber, know this: truth will set you free. Please read these scriptures and respond as you feel led. St John 3:15-18, Romans 3:23, 1 John 1:8-10 I choose LIFE to share Christ's love with you! www.allgraceoutreach.com watch the brief video if you have the heart!

    Blaine Terrill - Sales Representative

    Wisconsin/United States

  • Marc & Kristine Militello

    The LIFE program has been one of the most important things in my life. As I look at at all the material that I have read, listened to, and events I have attended, I can see that it has truly affected every area of my life. After I got over my unfounded skepticism and started listening and reading, I immediately saw results in my life. My teaching improved, my interactions with students improved, and most importantly my relationships with my wife and my children improved. I am embarrassed to say, but I should have known as an educator that by improving the information that I put in my head I would improve the results in my life. Applied knowledge is power! One of the areas that improved drastically was my finances. I was six figures in debt and really did not understand simple principles that I could use to help me get control of my money. My finances were controlling my attitude, and affecting every area of my life because of the stress it caused. The information in the finance area of LIFE and the opportunity to create a B type business make a powerful combination! I listened to the finance pack and began implementing the principles in my life and over time eliminated all that debt. I can’t tell you how important the financial information has been to my family and me! My wife and I have four children who have watched us implement the financial strategies into our lives and now we get to watch how they handle their money: It has been one of the biggest victories! My children have become excellent stewards. To watch them think through what they want to spend their money on and and make smart financial decisions is priceless! I couldn't give them an example to follow before these principles. Because my wife and I made a decision to implement the information LIFE provides, we changed everything for us. More importantly we have given our children a better example to follow and that will change everything for them. How do you put a price on that? The Legacy of the entire Militello family has been changed because of this incredible information!

    Marc & Kristine Militello - Teachers

    Michigan/United States

  • Jason Bruner

    I am truly thankful someone who didn’t even know me had the courage to introduce me to LIFE. After a couple of years working in accounting, providentially, a lady at work started to lend me various LIFE and Leadership CDs. After the first CD, I was hooked! Even though I enjoy my accounting position doing what I thought would lead to success in life. Following the advise of going to school, working hard for the good grades and pursuing a career I believed it would just work out, but only a short year out of college my rose-colored glasses had been shattered when I was no further ahead in many areas of life than when I started school. Deep down inside I knew that if something was going to ever change that I would need to change something. Also, after we were married this summer, I soon realized that for me to be able to have my wife pursue her passion of being a stay-at-home-mom, I’d have to add income that wasn’t possible with what I could ever produce alone. After attending the first open meeting my wife was highly skeptical, but having listened to numerous CDs and hearing and relating to Dan Hawkins’ story of how he began his journey being shy, reserved and even having low confidence, I felt that if he could do it that we could do it. By applying the information from the Finances pack, we are now officially debt-free which is a blessing to begin our marriage out from under the bondage of a pile of student loans. All of the other relationship information from the LIFE subscription and other products has benefited us in so many intangible ways. For instance, with the books Personality Plus, the Five Love Languages and Love & Respect, I’ve learned more about people and myself than all of my formal education combined. What’s great about the LIFE, LLR and AGO subscription is we don’t have to sort out the good information from the abundance of bad information out in the world. Good stuff just comes every month! We’ve also been blessed with mentors and coaches like Dan & Lisa Hawkins and Matt & Michelle Mielke and the numerous other people in this community providing a positive example for life in a world in need of hope. Most importantly, it is a blessing to have access to information on what it means to be a man and leader in your family from books like Point Man and Wild at Heart from the AGO subscription. I believe that with people learning, growing and applying this information, we will change our nation and ultimately the world. I encourage you to learn more with an open mind and really start to define what you want out of LIFE because it is all here!

    Jason Bruner - Accountant

    Wisconsin/United States

  • We were doing what we were taught: go to school, get good grades, get a safe and secure job. It started out looking like it was working. I had several promotions in the first few years and became the youngest manager on staff. We soon came to realize however that the security and stability of our positions were in jeopardy. While the money from two incomes was good, we didn't have the correct financial thinking to support the income and nearly made several critical mistakes that would have kept April from fulfilling her life long dream of being a stay at home mom. Being nearly $80,000 in debt outside the mortgage we knew from the start it would be no easy feat and would require significant discipline and delayed gratification. I am happy to say that through applying the LIFE information from packs like the Maximize your Finances pack, we were able to bring April home a few short weeks ago and have no debt outside the mortgage! This new knowledge applied, along with an incredible opportunity from a business standpoint, we working toward someday being stay at home parents together. This never would have been a possibility had we not also tied into the marriage and faith products offered through our LIFE subscriptions and packs like the Marriage Pack and the No Regrets Pack. We were on a downward spiral in our marriage, not knowing it would be a life long journey that we had to work at daily. My faith was virtually non-existent, but through great coaches like Tim and Jennifer Samuels and Eric and Jennifer Blomdahl, I was able to begin this journey as well (April was already strong in this area and getting stronger all the time). I am now understanding that I was created on purpose and for a purpose. We are eternally grateful to the Samuels's and the Blomdahl's for all they have done to move our lives forward, we would be in a bad place without them. We have developed a passion for helping others and making a difference. We will pursue LIFE for the rest of our lives knowing it is the only vehicle tied to principles and self-directed education that is unmatched in value. We have seen this opportunity and the education change many lives and can't wait for the bright future ahead. God Bless

    Chad & April Sutkay - Procurement Manager/Diagnostic Medical Sonographer

    Wisconsin/United States

  • When we were first introduced to the 8F's of LIFE we were looking for a way to create an income so my wife Olivia could be home with the children. I was answering ads on stuffing envelopes, do it from home kits etc.etc. During this time Olivia was approached about an opportunity to make some extra money. Because of the information that LIFE offers we immediately got involved. What we have seen already is not only Olivia having the ability to be home soon from what we've learned through the Finance Pack, but also huge growth in all areas of our life. I was not looking for a spiritual F, a friends F, or any other F other than finances, and what we found very quickly was that not only have we grown personally, but some of our best friends in the world are on this LIFE journey with us. LIFE has helped me with my work due to the principles I have learned and applied at my job. It has helped Olivia and I work as a team towards our future, and helping others along the way. This is not just an opportunity, or just great information, this is a way of LIFE! God Bless

    Curtis and Olivia Shaw - Supervisor/Mom

    Michigan/United States

  • The life products have more than got my life on the right track. Not only did it show me what is right, they showed me how to fix it. Thanks to the help of my mentor Jim Martin I have been able to apply the finance pack into my life and I now have a plan to pay off my student debt. These are the best materials you will ever get your hands on!!!!!

    Zachary Grashik - Student

    Ohio/United States

  • Edison Sosa

    I love this team and the life business! I was called up by a life long bestfriend that is building this with me and I will never forget the way I felt the first time I went to my first meeting! There I found my self not knowing any one but for the first time in my life getting answers to life questions I have been asking my whole life but had no one to give me any answers How can I not be where I would like to be in my relationship, work and finances since I worked so hard to get where I was at? I am thankful for the opportunity LIFE had brought to my life and the relationships it has help me fix and make better like the one with my father, through the endless teaching of the leaders of the team. My parents are hard working people that did all they could to get ahead in life and I think I can do the same now that I have found the right way with the right information. I have always been a person looking for something bigger, some meaning in my life and now I think I have found my calling to help people!!! Thank you Christ and Orrin for changing my life.

    Edison Sosa - Automotive tech-parts support specialist

    AA (Armed Forces)/United States

  • Mike & Tonya Hartmann

    My wife and I are not “Life Coaches” but are rather a simple couple that strives to improve daily in each of the areas in which the LIFE subscriptions focuses. We’ve experienced so many personal victories (eliminating debt & gaining controlling of our finances, improved relationships with each other and our three boys, building friendships based on building brighter futures together, finding salvation, . . .) but the real satisfaction in LIFE is when you help others experience similar victories in their lives. It would be impossible to list all the lives that have been touched simply by our referral of the LIFE product line and its principles to our friends. By choosing to pursue and implement the LIFE principles, we have been blessed to be a part of a proverbial splash in the pond of LIFE and the ripple effect of our example has allowed us to share the following short-list of victories in our family and in many of our friends’ lives: • A parts manager at a local car dealership was inspired to return to night school and complete his GED after dropping out of public education in 9th grade. This gentleman is now employed as a Community Liaison at a local high school helping resolve parental and student issues with the administration to ultimately keep the students in school. • A married couple (computer programmer and pet-sitter) have eliminated 100% of the debt in their lives and have less than a $30,000 balance left on their mortgage. This couple will own their home free-and-clear within 4 years and will at that time truly live a debt-free life! • A victim of mental abuse realized that she DID have the seeds of greatness within her all along, decided to pursue a higher education, and completed her degree to ultimately gain employment as a dental hygienist. • Our three boys have learned the power of dreaming BIG, visualization, positive self-talk and hard work to make multiple sporting teams. These LIFE lessons, learned at such a young age, are truly priceless. Where else could a mechanical engineer and homemaker make such a positive impact in their local community? I can’t think of anything that would allow us to have fun, make money and make a legitimate difference in our household and community the way LIFE already has! It is truly a journey worth pursuing and we hope you choose to do so courageously for the rest of your LIFE!

    Mike & Tonya Hartmann - Mechanical Engineer & Homemaker

    Michigan/United States

  • When my wife and I were first introduced to the LIFE opportunity, we were both living a typical life of a mid-twenties adult. We enjoyed hanging out with our friends, spending money we didn’t have on entertaining ourselves, and taking vacations we couldn’t afford. We both worked hard at what we did, but we didn’t have any direction in our life. We were so focused on ourselves and the present that we never thought about planning for the future. By associating with individuals who were living a life based on purpose, listening to information provided in the finance pack, the dream pack, and freedom pack, we started making the changes necessary to have a stable life built on the foundations of faith, family, and a better understanding of finances. We would both attest to the fact that we would not be together if it weren’t for the information available in the marriage pack and books such as The Five Love Languages, For Women/Men Only, DNA of relationships, and many others. We both learned that we had to change ourselves in order for our relationship to grow and develop into the relationship that it is today. We are expecting our first child in the next couple months, and through this information, we are going to be able to afford for my wife to stay home and take care of our child. We strongly encourage everyone to take an honest look at what LIFE has to offer. If you are looking to improve in any area of your LIFE, there is information that is available for you to reference and incorporate into your LIFE. Through this information, anyone is able to make the changes necessary to have the LIFE they always dreamed of.

    Chris and Carolyn Serpe - Industrial Sales/VP of Sales and Marketing

    Wisconsin/United States

  • Gary & Erika Severson

    Ever ask yourself “What do I want to be when I grow up?” I was a 32 year old, full-time Office Manager, wife of a night-shift Auto worker, and mother of two young children, searching for the answer to this question when I was first introduced to the LIFE opportunity. My childhood consisted of parents who set high demands for me in academics, sports and work ethic; never settling for average. I adopted this attitude early on in my life which carried me into adult years only to be ridden with negative self talk and poor self-esteem. I had attempted college for 3 years, only to quit. I had dealt with a bad attitude by ignoring it. I was depressed. I had talked to counselors, but found no answers. When I was a kid, I always dreamed the American Dream- the big house in the country with a white picket fence, a big family with lots of kids and a dog, a fancy car and a high paying job. But, what I found was how the LIFE community could help me find answers to these fears by applying principles to my life with self-discipline. I started to realize how important reading and educating myself through books and cd’s was from people who had the results I so longed for. The very first LIFE book I read was ‘Personality Plus’. I don’t know why but this book spoke to me that night and the more I read the more I began to understand that I had several strengths and attributes that I could offer to my family, friends and others close to me. ‘The 5 Love Languages’ was another early read recommended to me by Steve Leurquin. I was in awe of how a man could confidently recommend a book about to another woman outside of his marriage and share how it helped strengthen his marriage. It was then that I decided I wanted to change and build a strong and healthy marriage. I wanted our children to live with confidence and courage by feeling safe and secure in a home with parents who showed love and respect. My library of books grew based on principles within family, faith, and finance. The more I read and listened and associated, I started to trust in others again. I started to associate with people in the LIFE organization that did not cast judgment for who I was, but encouraged me to become a person of strength. I found out that I could have fun without being self-destructive. Today, I raise my head high. I have a family that is proud to call me a wife, mother and friend. It has been an amazing journey. The impact LIFE has had on our family is priceless. Never stop learning. Remember, in every failure there is a lesson to be learned; get back up and fight, you’re worth it!

    Gary & Erika Severson - Office Manager

    Wisconsin/United States

  • Edgar & Danielle Gonzalez

    Before being introduced to the principles in the LIFE materials, I was working 2 jobs (climbing the management ladder in one company during the day, and working nights in customer service) while finishing up a 2nd degree in college. My wife was in food service full-time during the day. We did everything we were told to do, went to school, graduated with high honors, went back to school and worked 3 jobs between the 2 of us. Although we did all of these things, it still wasn't enough. We were getting farther in debt each year, we had no time to sleep much less to enjoy, our marriage was falling apart, and we had our first baby on the way. Something had to change! I just knew there had to be a better way... Then just before our first child, Mia, was born, we were introduced to some great people who had some different information. Getting plugged into this community changed our lives forever. The materials in the Family area began to heal our marriage and build it on a solid foundation. The AGO series started to answer our questions about meaning and purpose in life. Our marriage gets better each day because of the continual application of the new LIFE materials each month. The monthly book and CDs continue to stretch us and make us better. Because of these changes in my life, I have never stopped studying this information since we started. We are in for LIFE!

    Edgar & Danielle Gonzalez - Customer Service / Stay-at-home Mom

    Illinois/United States

  • LIFE is by far the best choice I have ever made. Coming from a guy that all I ever knew was work hard and do the best I can with what I have. I have been working since before I was out of high school and it has never really bothered me, I love working with my hands but with the economy the way it is I was looking for a way out. I have always been a dreamer ever since I can remember and my imagination has always been active. I have only been in the business for about 2 months now but I have seen the change in me and the relationship I have with my girlfriend. After getting all the information from the books and cds I don't see how anyone could live without them. They have helped me learn so much about being a leader and listening to others without being negative. We haven't even gotten our first checks yet and Im already to the point that I dont even care how much it is, I just want to find someone else to help. I am so happy to have the uplines I have. Chuck and Pat Reeves and Mark and Jenn Paul are the best mentors I have ever had. Its amazing that people of their stature would take time out of their day just to help a construction worker like me. To me that means everything. I LOVE LIFE!!!

    Justin Stevens - Assistant Field Superintendent

    Ohio/United States

  • Jammie Fisher

    I am truly grateful to Orrin and Laurie Woodward, Dan and Lisa Hawkins and the information that is provided by the LIFE products. Their presence, along with many other leaders and teammates has propelled me in a positive direction that I can't imagine I would have ever found had I not been introduced to this program by my former teaching partner. I was an ambitious, driven person who always felt I was called by a strong purpose to serve others. Whatever I took on, I tried to pour myself into and do my very best. After many years of doing this, and an inability to effectively prioritize, I found myself stressed out, financially broke, over-committed, and frustrated by the bureaucracy I saw in everything. I didn't see answers though, and was using recreation as an outlet for my stress, which was increasing the financial and time struggles. It was a vicious cycle that led me to a lack of faith, along with a negative, sarcastic attitude. If this was what caring and doing things for the right reason led to, I was on a fast decline toward making a decision to quit trying, but I knew that I was created for more than just settling. There were gifts, and people in my life that made me keep a little secret hope that I was supposed to be a part of doing something great in the lives of people. Team and LIFE have restored that hope abundantly, brought faith back into my life, began the restoration of so many relationships and truly benefited our family in all 8 “F” areas. We now have a stronger marriage than in the past, 3 lovely children who are a priority not a burden in our life, a wonderful relationship with family members that we have never before had, a stage where we can lead others to better results in their lives and make an impact on the prosperity of our country. It is almost a magical feeling to look at where we were and see the changes and know that it is available to anyone - even a broke, farm chick turned teacher with a negative attitude, but positive purpose. I am thankful to God everyday for what we have.

    Jammie Fisher - Teacher and Coach

    Wisconsin/United States

  • Richard Fisher

    The information of the LIFE business has changed my life in a lot of ways. In the beginning, the association started to change me even though I didn't want to change. I am glad that it helped me change my thinking and my actions, even though I am still working on making myself a better person. I have a wife and three kids that I am responsible for and I want that responsibility. Before I would have went to work, come home, watched television or hunt and thought that was good enough. I love being an important role model in my children's lives and having more time to be around them will allow me to play an even bigger role. LIFE gave me the opportunity to learn how to be a good dad and the ability to get my time back to do what I want to with it. Thank you! Richard Fisher

    Richard Fisher - Construction/Sprinkler Fitter

    Wisconsin/United States

  • Blake Elliott

    I've now been reading and listening to many LIFE books and CD's and they have changed me from the inside out in a short amount of time. I've studied many of the ancient classics, but the LIFE materials seem almost modern versions of them; truly they are modern classics. For example, the Launching a Leadership Revolution book is one of the best books I've ever read. For the first time in my life I feel I'm accomplishing my purpose in life. I wished to spread freedom, now I am. I wanted more truth in me, now it's at my finger tips. I desired a great mentor, he's there for me. I don't know who I'd become in the future without LIFE.

    Blake Elliott - Student

    Central Abaco/United States

  • David & Andrea Felt

    Being a pastor carries with it tremendous responsibility, not only to rightly divide the word but also as a teacher and counselor. It requires a constant devotion to study, pray and teach others. Life has encompassed many of the same principles that I have developed in becoming the Minister I am today. When I was approached by a LIFE member I was skeptical and really wasn't interested, but I listened. I eventually listened to that CD about 2 weeks later and liked what I heard. Let me tell you why. In 2003 my Mentor passed away. Anyone in ministry should have a mentor to help you develop and stay focused on whats important. I had been without one for almost 9 years and my spiritual life was suffering because I had no accountability beyond my family. LIFE gave me the opportunity to meet and develop relationships with people who not only held me accountable but also help me to grow in many other areas besides Faith. I have Financial, Fitness, Leadership, Family and many other areas in life covered now due to the people God and this business have made a part of my life. I am looking forward to the day that I can pass on the Gifts that God has given me, to use in equipping Men and Women in their faith, with the thousands of people I will meet through LIFE. It has given me a hope for the future that I didn't have. I hope to have an income that will give me more time to serve my Church, my team and the masses that I can reach through LIFE. In the month that I have been actively working with my "Coaches" (that's what I call them) and fellow TEAM mates, my life has become richer and the friendships I have developed are the biggest blessing I have received from God in a long while. Anyone in Ministry knows that even though we are actively serving and working with people much of the time, it can be a lonely vocation when you do not have anyone to vent frustration or just enjoy a conversation that doesn't involve counseling individuals. LIFE Has changed my life and given me the tools and opportunity to bless many more people in many more ways than I had without them. Thank you Orrin and Chris for having the courage to do something different and offer a solution rather than sitting back and complaining like so many of us do because we knew the world was broken but didn't know how to fix it.

    David & Andrea Felt - Clergy / Pastor

    Ohio/United States

  • Jennifer Connors

    I really believed in my own mind I had wisdom in all 8 F's. The reality was that I had very little faith, my family had been dysfunctional and went through the ups and downs of a divorce. I had very little knowledge when it came to my finances, I had very few close friends, not because I didn't like people but because I was afraid of people, I had very low self esteem and confidence in myself, I looked very good and strong on the outside, but what no one knew I was shattered on the inside. I didn't know how to relate to people so I avoided talking to people. I didn't realize there were different love languages or that my 4 kids all have different personalities until I read 5 Love Languages and Personality Plus. What I realized at this point is that a parent can learn just as much from their children as children learn from their parents. Once I humbled myself and really listened to my children and started to respond to their individual love language, I noticed my love language started to see a positive change. It didn't happen over night because of the dysfunction that had already been introduced to our family. If I can encourage one: thing humble yourself and learn how to be a GREAT parent and not settle for being a good parent, our children will be the future leaders of the world and we need to be that positive influence for them as there are many negative influences they will find in the world. My faith was weak and it wasn't until I stopped trying to control everything in my life and started praying over my family that I really started seeing God do miracles in our family. I started to dig deeper into books such as DNA of Relationships, Love and Respect, rereading 5 Love Languages and other books that dealt with faith and family. That is when I really started applying what I was reading and learning about my relationships. I started mentoring with Jammie and Richard Fisher as they have lead hundreds of people in this area. They lead with character and integrity and I really don't know what our life would look like if I would of passed up on LIFE: the associations, the books and CD's, the great friends that I would never know, and to know without a doubt in my mind that my fiance and I have decided to get married next year for all the right reasons. We have learned to communicate and have a more loving and caring relationship than I ever could imagine. We struggled for years, however he has become my hero, my best friend the leader of our family. I could never imagine this happening without the different association and system that LIFE offers. I encourage everyone to get the information and see the difference in your life. It changed our life and the future of our childrens life. Thank you.

    Jennifer Connors - U.W.W student/ sales

    Wisconsin/United States

  • Damon Gray

    My wife Shannon and I were looking for something, anything, to latch on to outside of my 9-5 job. I am fortunate enough to work in an industry with a certain level of security. In fact the business of dialysis management provided enough income to live in a modest home in an established neighborhood with my wife staying at home to raise my 1 year old boy and 4 year old daughter. Being a part of LIFE, we see how the power of franchising, duplication, and long term vision; add onto that a new/fresh/phenomenal/low cost/high quality product of LIFE material; you have a recipe for a powder keg of explosive growth. We are seeing that now just in this short first month of the LIFE business. We've learned leadership, personal development, and financial wisdom in a way that would have cost 300% more than what we invested in cd's, books, and personal mentoring. It's amazing, unconventional, and trend setting. We are so thankful for the opportunity and look forward to recreating our testimonial down the road with victory stories of families we have helped free themselves from the bondage of damaged relationships, finances, and health.

    Damon Gray - Health Care Management

    Texas/United States

  • Robert & Windy Stanton

    As an Air Force wife, I knew what I was getting into...moving every few years. I had my Bachelors and Masters and thought I could get a job ANYWHERE. When you live in the middle of nowhere, it is a little challenging. So every time we moved I reinvented myself, creating my own businesses. And after about 10 years, I forgot about my dream of becoming a millionaire. Like Kristine Militello, I had become the "trench coat lady." I tried everything and could not get anything to work for me. I wanted desperately to ease the burden of supporting our family and take some of the load from Rob. When we saw this business, I knew immediately that this was the vehicle to freedom. We got in for the money, but have gotten so much more than that! Our relationship has grown and been repaired. Our children have been exposed to the best leaders in the World! The friends we have made in LIFE and Team are deeper and more meaningful than any I have ever had in my life. Just the 'Conflict Resolution' training we have received is worth its weight in gold. I know that with just 2.5 years of self development and professional development that I could get a job anywhere doing anything, even in the middle of nowhere. But, a job won't give me freedom. Anyone can do this. We have people in our business who have not been involved in over a year and they are going to get paid next month! That is AWESOME! Nothing like it on earth! God Bless Team and LIFE.

    Robert & Windy Stanton - Hurricane Hunter & Stay at home Mom

    Massa and Carrara/United States

  • Richard Kroll Jr.

    Outside of my faith, the LIFE materials have been the greatest positive change agent in my life. At first I was offended when people suggested that I needed to “change”. I thought to myself, “Who do they think they are suggesting that I need to change? Don’t they know who I am? What I have accomplished? That I have over 12 years of education beyond high school? Etc., etc…” But then I found out that because I didn’t have the results in life that I wanted, that something indeed did need to change; and maybe it was ME. Interestingly though, the changes that I have undergone has been more giving up things that I was doing to myself to hold myself back. They were more about revealing who I REALLY was, more than being things that were “bad” or “evil”. It wasn’t easy to learn that I had low self-esteem. It wasn’t easy to admit that my supposed “air of confidence” was really compensation for my self-limiting beliefs and fears of inadequacy. Another difficult thing to face was the brutal realities in my life. I was not happy. I did not have the results in my life that I wanted. My relationships with others were not as deep and meaningful as I wanted them to be. I was not the man of character and integrity I wanted to be. Whose fault was all this? Mine or someone else’s?!? I had to face the cold hard fact that I had created all the problems I faced in my life; and that I was responsible for changing things, if things were going to change. Many people look at the “cost” or “expense” of the LIFE materials and say that they cannot afford them. I found that they were an INVESTMENT in me and that I could not afford to be without them! In fact, because of what I have learned from the LIFE materials, I have enjoyed employment, advancement, compensation, and many other financial rewards in my endeavors in ministry, education, and business- many times enjoying compensation far exceeding that of my peers in similar roles! So many people when given the opportunity to build a business with LIFE, say that they do not have time to start a business or to do anything extra; like this has to be an “either/or” scenario… despite the assurances that they can build a business in whatever spare time they have. Everyone has SOME spare time. The amazing thing that I have experienced is that the most life-changing insights about myself have happened when I was trying to grow my business. It was usually then that I realized a fear I needed to overcome, or a self-limiting belief I needed to change, or an area of personal growth that I needed to face.

    Richard Kroll Jr. - Ministry, Education, and Business

    Michigan/United States

  • Timothy and Peggi Kern

    Tim and I have been married for 30 years and have 3 adult children. When we were first introduced to the information that is now a part of LIFE, we were raising 3 teens, 2 of them in college and were recovering from several years of business ownership in a bad economy and a dying industry. During this time, we were carrying a large debt load that had put a strain on our marriage and our relationships with our children. We had done everything we knew to do, going to college, getting our degrees and working hard, but could never get ahead. Tim's career as an engineer has been in the automotive industry and after he closed his business, he got a "safe" job working for a large company only to find out that it wasn't so safe after all. My passion has always been working with young children, starting out a business in my home as a day care provider and eventually teaching preschool. My income contribution wasn't enough to ease the financial burdens we had, which came about largely due to poor financial thinking. We had totally lost our ability to dream and had no hope for any better results in the future. We were living a settled for lifestyle and it was taking it's tole on our family. Then, one day, Tim's friend thought enough of him to call and invite him to hear Orrin Woodward speak. That day changed our lives. The information we received peaked our interest and gave us hope. We realized that to change things in our life, we had to change things. We needed new information and the supportive relationships that would encourage us on our journey. Since the day we began listening to the LIFE information, reading the books and associating with the community of people in LIFE, every part of our family's life is different and better. Our kids will testify that their parents have changed and our relationships are stronger. Our marriage is better than it has ever been because we've found the tools to better communication. We have better financial thinking, because of the finance packs, books and cds and we are now on our journey to living debt free. We always thought we had a solid foundation of faith, but have found our faith is so much stronger, due to the tools we've been given to develop and communicate our faith. We have made friends for life with people who encourage us and cheer for us in our successes. We have also learned more about our country and the freedoms we have, including the responsibilities we have to ensure freedoms for future generations. We KNOW we can do something to ensure those freedoms as a family and community. In a day and time, where fear is so prevalent and hopelessness is the norm, we have courage and hope in our lives!! We thank God for the day that we were given LIFE information.

    Timothy and Peggi Kern - Engineer and Early Childhood Ed.

    Michigan/United States

  • Dan White

    I remember meeting a young man several years ago that was several decades younger than myself and spoke as a person several decades beyond my years. That inspired me to dig into the personal development field and immerse myself in a success environment. Steve and Beth Morgan have always been a shining beacon in that environment and living a life of character and integrity that I aspire to and would be more than proud should my children aspire to them. The materials of the LIFE company have served me in my faith, family, fitness, finance, friends, following, freedom and fun. I guess that's all of them. I have belonged to a church for 7 months now after being away from the church for 40 years. I have a relationship with my family and particularly my mother that I have never had in my life. She has not only become a mother to me in my reckoning (I am ashamed that it took this long in my life and circumstances were that we were not very close at all), but she has become my good friend and confidant. My father, kids and siblings are also much closer than they have ever been. I understand some of the workings of money and finances. These things are not taught in school, nor are how to have a good marriage. I have also understood why I am a divorced individual (also something I am not proud of, especially since the information about marriage and relationships may have prevented that). I understand better how to be a friend or maybe just a person that is not so obnoxious and abrasive. These things are part of my personality which is not an excuse, but understanding them have made me a better friend. Understanding the components of freedom, not only personal freedom, but national freedom that we are losing more of everyday. Seeing this has me pledging to do something about it before my children and grandchildren have fewer freedoms than my generation. Fitness, following and fun......I now have a better definition of what those are and why they were missing in my life several years ago when I met with Tom Keena who started me on this journey. Bless that man and his wife Jeanne for standing by me and showing me what real friends are. Probably for the first time in my life. They have taught me, loved me and put up with me. They are true blessings in my life. I'm sure I have commented on more than the material because the material working in peoples lives has made all the difference to me and my family. I am a business owner that was working a million hours a week, not getting anywhere, never going to retire and alienating from everyone I came in contact with. I am light years from that person.......and light years from the person these materials will allow me to become.

    Dan White - Electronic Engineer

    Michigan/United States

  • Josh & Tara Zettler

    Going from an aerospace engineering degree to a youth and young adult minister and now to a business owner, Josh followed the mentorship of LIFE leadership along the way to eventually make him an elite producer in the business world. From what seems like a mixed background, he feels like all the preparedness that has happened over the years has led him to great success in many areas of the 8Fs. Josh will be the first to say that he doesn't have everything figured out, but he knows that this business is constantly in search for truth and commits his life to going on this journey with LIFE leadership. He now runs many businesses and attributes all the success to the leadership principles that are taught through the 8Fs and LIFE subscriptions. He continues as a self-sustaining minister in local congregations and values uncovering purpose in the lives of all. When Josh met Tara, she was a teacher in a local school district and loved her job. After a very short engagement, they started building a life together in marriage and quickly patterned their actions after LIFE principles. Tara fell in love with the 8Fs and has applied many of them successfully in their marriage, children, and community. After fear of failure in the beginning, she can now tackle items in life that she probably would have never attempted. Soon after applying these principles she became a stay-at-home mom; although reluctant at first, she began to see the great possibilities that it brings. Personally, Tara has found great purpose in fulfilling her calling to a larger audience in LIFE by continuing to be a great example and an irreplaceable warmth and love to our immediate and extended family. Josh and Tara have two children and look forward to achieving many great accomplishments that move forward the vision of 1 million people's lives positively influenced by its information and relationships.

    Josh & Tara Zettler - Entrepreneur/Teacher

    Illinois/United States

  • My name is Tom Hoppe and I am a self employed concrete contractor. My involvement in the life subscription program has been LIFE changing. My story starts off as a young man brought up in a confusing environment. My guidance from my Mom and stepfather was pretty sad. Product of an environment affects many people in the world. Mine follow me through the teenage years into adulthood. When I met my future wife, I was still carrying some bad baggage from the past. My marriage, parenting and leadership was, lets just say, sad. So between being the man I had became and the environment I worked in, life was a challenge every day. I will say God had his hand on me.Through every thing I was blessed with a good personality and a sense of humor. When life was introduced to me I was a little taken back. In my mind being a choleric personality person I was fine. Everyone else was wrong and they just needed to cope with life and move on. Well, I was wrong and my wife help me see the light! This program has changed everything. My parenting skills have improved a lot. I listen better to my boys now, whereas before I was always right no matter the issue. My marriage is better. I now cherish the ground my wife walks on. My leadership in my company is growing every day. The biggest change is my belief for God is back in full swing. What does this mean to you? Probably not much, but to me it's life changing!

    Thomas C Hoppe - self employed

    Tennessee/United States

  • Aaron and Denise Hutchings

    Denise and I found ourselves in a very difficult time in life when the LIFE materials found us. We were heavily in debt, payday to payday was a goal, and Denise was layed off for 51/2 months while pregnant. For the next 14 months, we dove into and implemented the information contained within the Maximize your Finances package and figured out how to live within our means and, began working diligently at reducing our debt outside of our mortgage. In an additional 17 months, totaling 31 months, we were able to eliminate 74k of high interest credit debt and create an additional 2k per month of additional income; thus enabling Denise to be a stay at home mom while our kids were very young. The LIFE Leadership Development materials were instrumental in our rising career paths over the next 4 years, where we each tripled to quadrupled our professional incomes. This was a double edged sword and the stress and pressures of these senior level executive positions with fortune 50 companies nearly tore our marriage apart. Once again the LIFE materials and mentorship were key to putting these hard times behind us. We have since resigned from the high profile executive positions that were tearing us apart and have renewed our commitment to our marriage, family, and the personal growth the LIFE materials support. In short, numerous times the LIFE materials and community have been the key pillars of support to bring us through tough times, and have inspired a bright outlook of the future.

    Aaron and Denise Hutchings - Electronic Technologists


  • Will & Mary Mazur

    Will and Mary Mazur 's LIFE Testimony: When we were introduced to LIFE we had been married nearly 13 years with 4 small children. I worked weekend nights as an OB nurse and Will worked days as a seat Engineer. At the time, we lived like ships in the night running parallel lives independently. We covered caring for the kids as single parents most of the time, having about 2 whole days a month where we were home as a family together. Will was very frustrated with politics at work, and neither of us knew how to communicate well with each other. We both were hungry to learn how to have a better, more fulfilled life than just surviving. That's when a co-worker of Wills brought LIFE into our lives. I wanted a husband who was happy living his purpose, and I believe he wanted to be empowered to find and chase that passion. We started receiving CDs and a book a month to begin our quest for a Life of Significance. I initially had a hard time paying attention to the CDs but devoured the books. Will pounded the CDs and struggled with the books. Over time, we both grew in amazing ways for our learning styles. Finally, we were growing together and learning how to share what we were learning and applying into our lives. Instead of living separate lives in the same house, as a married couple we actually have grown together as one solid rock for our family. Some pivotal books that impacted us where The Five Love Languages, Personality Plus, The Great Connection, and Eat that Frog. Today, instead of Will being in a cave, he articulates confidently what he thinks and feels, and I have learned to seek to understand, accept, approve, and appreciate him daily instead of manipulating and controlling him to my ways. Our faith has deepened, our finances have strengthened, and we now live intentionally for excellence helping others grow too.

    Will & Mary Mazur - Engineer and RN

    Michigan/United States

  • Robert Palmer

    LIFE, where to begin. My wife and I have always tried to keep her home with our 4 beautiful girls, ages 7, 5, 3, and 1. It was always a struggle just to get by on one income, so I worked full-time, and ran a seasonal business on the side. Even then, we always felt there was something more. In 2008, we started a self employed business, and decided to go for it full time, only to find ourselves 2 years later, 100 thousand dollars in debt, outside our home, and nothing to show for it. I was angry... Not a Daddy any little girl wanted to spend time with, a husband that was ashamed of himself, and felt I really had nowhere to turn. I quit going to church, for the first time in my life, and it lasted for a year and a half. I later regained employment in the public works field for laborers' wages... it was just an ugly dark time in my life. Wondering what I did to deserve this? Where did I go wrong? Then a friend introduced me to LIFE. She gave me a copy of the book called "Simon Says." Reading this book helped put a perspective in my life. It helped me to see that I was here for a purpose, and just because my conventional business failed, didn't mean that God didn't love me, or was trying to punish me. It simply helped me see that God sent me here for a reason, and what I was doing for business, and income at that time, was not that reason. From there, everything changed! Haven't missed church since, and I now cherish every moment with my 5 girls (including my wife) all because I found my purpose in life. -Robby and Emily Palmer

    Robert Palmer - Public Works Employee

    Utah/United States

  • SJ Barakony

    Hello! I am truly fortunate to have been introduced to the LIFE products. I've found that rebuilding my life with the 8 'F' cornerstones has been a boost to my day to day attitude, my perspective on the future and has helped me to learn how to be a leader by improving my ability to relate to others, to name just a handful. Over this time period, I've read about 50 different books, listened & learned from hundreds of inspirational & leadership development CD's, & met well over a hundred new friends, several of whom have become my mentors and have given me their ongoing support & positive encouragement. There's no doubt in my mind that "You will be the same person in five years as you are today, except for the people you meet and the books you read." ( - Charlie 'Tremendous' Jones ) To take just a couple of the 'F's : I've learned how I can directly help my beloved country experience a 'Freedom' shift through becoming a successful entrepreneur, becoming an independent thinker through a self directed, reading books focused education, & by learning about tribe-based leadership. Secondly, by learning concepts such as the 'The Ten Laws of Financial Management', my 'Finances' are much better off, as I learned that there is a huge difference between investment and expenses, and that "Y.D.I.L" ( = You, Inc -> Debt payoff -> Investment -> Lifestyle ) is a winning equation! I would strongly encourage every visitor to the LIFE website to obtain a customer referral from a LIFE member to sign up for a subscription (I am presently on all 3, and each are of gold medal quality!) and/or purchase stand alone products. Having exposure to timeless truths and principles, & association with climbers will help you to grow personally through heart change, grow in your leadership ability, and, if you so choose, begin or advance your walk of faith with God. Nothing but the best to you. Namaste!

    SJ Barakony - Collocation - Planner II

    Ohio/United States

  • At high school, I was voted "Shyest Senior". I felt like I did not entirely blossom until my college days. First and foremost, my life changed radically when I opened my heart to Jesus Christ one faithful summer in college. Then, through a series of events, I fell into this community of learners. The last 2 years, I became a student who wanted to develop into a leader - to break through my shyness - my phlegmatic self. This year in my job, I sponsored a co-op who was in his 30s and had an abrasive way with people and his words. I leveraged what I learned from this leadership group, like books "How to Have Confidence and Power with People" and mentored this co-op. I gave him the "How to Win Friends and Influence People" book (with love of course!) Two weeks ago, my co-op did a public presentation and the head of our department told my boss that we need to hire this guy! My boss asked me how I helped make a change in this co-op! What a true 3rd party testimony!! I'm convinced that our leadership material changes lives if you let it. They say you can't just learn leadership during a crisis. You must have it, ready to go, when your moment comes to exert your leadership!! Thank you LIFE!

    Kathy Lai - Food Scientist

    Palermo/United States

  • Liz Moris

    My husband Tom and I were introduced to LIFE at a time in our lives when we were looking for another way to make money. We have two children and I desperately wanted to continue to be a "stay-at-home" mom. That was the dream that burned in my heart, but finances were getting so tight that I was going to have to go back and be a teacher, not for my own children, but rather somebody elses. That is when we were introduced to LIFE. We got started and the income we generated through the business allowed me to continue to stay at home! Tom and I joined the LIFE community because we wanted more money, the finance F, but soon we realized and gained so much more than finances through the training system and community. LIFE has added value to our lives in all 8 F's. For example, LIFE has challenged me to dig into my faith and know why I believe what I believe. I have done that and now have a strong conviction for my beliefs. My marriage has been strengthened through the books and marriage CD pack. The books that have had the greatest impact are The Five Love Languages, Personality Plus, and Finding the Hero in Your Husband. The final book mentioned was critical because it taught me the importance of looking for, and focusing on Tom's strengths. I believe I am a better parent as well. One of our son's is very strong-willed and has been a challenge for me. A book that revolutionized my relationship with him is called Leadership and Self Deception. The biggest difference LIFE has made in my life has to do with my self-confidence. Prior to being involved in this business I was a "follower", easily swayed by other people's opinions. I just wanted people to like me and not create any conflict. I was like a chameleon, and wore many different masks depending upon who I was with. Through the books, CDs association, and mentorship, I have gained self-confidence, feel like a leader, and am comfortable with who I am. An impactful book on my journey was a top 5 book in our system called "How to Have Confidence and Power in Dealing with People." LIFE has positively impacted my life in so many ways. It is much more than a business. It is a community of people striving to be better themselves, and then going out to help others improve their lives. It's about making a difference and paying forward some of the blessings my family has gained through this wonderful business called LIFE. I invite you to take a look.

    Liz Moris - Stay-at-home mom

    Wisconsin/United States

  • Eric Schilling

    Finally! A way to jump off the "home to work, home to work" lifestyle that we've all been told, "That's just the way it is." The age of the entrepreneurial community is here! Growing up I always felt that I was cut out to accomplish something great but soon after high school, fell into the rut that was mentioned earlier and my dreams slowly faded away. I had little time and a carpenters salary which defined how the rest of my life was going to be. When I saw the LIFE business I was skeptical to say the least, but knew deep down that there was no chance at the future I wanted, doing what I was doing now. I kept looking into this and the more I looked the more excited I became, knowing that being a business owner was the answer!

    Eric Schilling - Construction Worker

    Wisconsin/United States

  • Chris and Malissa Betz

    We were introduced to the LIFE business through a co-worker of Chris's. I am so thankful to him for contacting us. Due to years of believing I didn't have choices, I became bitter, angry and not believing in or trusting my husbands' judgement. Enter the LIFE system, and a whole new world opened up. We discovered self education and enjoy it tremendously. We learn every day how we can be better in all 8F's. We have discovered friends that we never knew were out there. We feel so blessed to have relationships with the most amazing people. People who will do anything within their power to help us be better Christians. Our children have really taken to the system. The positive information from the LIFE system has helped us as a family pull our, as Orrin says, "weeds" quicker by learning and growing daily together. LIFE showed us that our life is worth living. We are not here by accident, there is a reason why we are here and there is a purpose. I have found, for myself, that my purpose is to be the best wife and mother I can, because nobody else can do that, only I can. Thanks to the team ladies for helping me figure out who and whose I am.

    Chris and Malissa Betz - Steel Fabricator/Bakery Assistant

    Wisconsin/United States

  • Raymond Abernathy

    The materials of LIFE have been a blessing in our life's most significant areas...our faith, family and finances. Before being introduced to this these materials, we both had earned our degrees and we were deeply entrenched into the corporate American culture. We both worked for a major insurer (like a good neighbor). Tina was a Claims Specialist and I worked as a Senior Software Engineer. Although we made a great living, I found myself stuck in the rut of day to day living, with no real challenges or hope of achieving anything significant in my lifetime. The corporate world was slowly applying pressure to our marriage and greatly hindering our ability to have a lasting impact in the lives of our three children. Through a crazy chain of events, my brother in law, Colby Potts, introduced us to Larry and Marsie Van Buskirk, and to these great books and audio learning materials. What started as an opportunity to earn extra income grew into a calling and purpose for our lives. From the time that I received my first recordings to this very day I have learned more about success, leadership, marriage, parenting, and life in general than the previous 30 years combined. These timeless concepts helped me re-define my career, and today I get the pleasure of teaching these great principles in business, and at the University of Missouri at St. Louis. Long gone are the days of searching for fulfillment in a cubicle, and corporate power struggles over a few promotional titles and dollars. Because of the financial lessons learned, my wife now has the joy of raising our children from home, and I work part-time as I define. This world class educational information has transformed my thinking, and in the end that’s what education must accomplish. To quote Carter G. Woodson, “The mere imparting of information is not education...the effort of education must cause a man to think and to do for himself”. I thank God for this opportunity and I pray that I can continue leading myself and others in the pursuit of excellence that we together may find hope for a better future for our country.

    Raymond Abernathy - University Lecturer, Minister

    Missouri/United States

  • Tina Abernathy

    When Raymond and I were first introduced to the LIFE materials I immediately thought "Whatever, we have college degrees and we are doing pretty good. How are these materials going to help us?" But thankfully my awesome husband saw things quite differently and dove right into everything he could get his hands on. So as not to be out done, I begrudgingly began listening to the CD's, attending LIFE seminars and reading some of the materials and found that they not only helped me personally but also in my career at the time. People often say, "I can read those books anywhere or hear the same info from a variety of places." And to that my reply is simply "Maybe you can, and I possibly could have too, BUT I didn't. I found it here in LIFE." The impact that Cd's like "For Women Only", "Head, Heart & Hunger", "The Finance", "Parenting" and "Marriage" packs are indescribable. Books like, "The Age of Opportunity", "The Fruit of Her Hands", "Finding The Hero in your Husband", "God's Plan for your Finances" and countless others have taken a young lady who knew it all and didn't mind telling you to a woman who understands her place as a wife, her gift of being a mother and her responsibility as a child of God. Raymond and I entered this LIFE changing environment with a good marriage, little financial discipline and a good idea on how to raise a family and live life. But what we have gained and continue to pursue is excellence in all of the eight F's. We have gone through many challenges since involving ourselves in the LIFE materials, yet I can say with certainty that what we have learned and implemented from these materials made them all much more bearable. I began this personal development journey in competition with my husband. Yet, through the continuous stream of LIFE information I learned to work with and beside him! I came in with a job that I was determined to make a career, but what I found here is my purpose and passion. I was raised in "the church" but who I uncovered is the person God created me to be! Today as a result of this information, I am blessed to be a stay at home mom of three wonderful children. I have a heart for serving and seeing others grow and win. I am a leader in my church. I am armed with a plethora of materials to bless others with. In closing, the best part of this LIFE journey is understanding that you never arrive and the best is yet to come!

    Tina Abernathy - Sr. Claims Adjuster

    Missouri/United States

  • Landon Engleman

    Like many Firefighters our career brings us happy times, fun times, and memorable times. Unfortunately, there's times that more often than not bring us sadness and disappointments. From witnessing tragic endings of happy families to complete destruction, for me, those are the ones that stick with me the most. Over my career (16 years) I have a folder in my mind of the alarms that have affected me the most. What some people do not realize is the coping methods that many firefighters use. From alcohol to coming back to the firehouse and sometimes joking away the pain of what they may have just witnessed. The normal citizen would be blown away at some of the coping methods we use to deal with our hurt, anger, and pain. For me I constantly vision tragedies in my head. Many times whether it be a fatality accident, heart attack, or someone being burned severely (even to the point of death), its always there, front and center of my daily thoughts. Whether at the firehouse or home, they constantly appear as if I was born with them already programmed in my head. In time, what happens next is your loved ones and close friends, in your mind, begin to take the place of each ending that involves a tragic fatality. Its your daughter that you hear screaming from a bedroom which you cannot enter because the flames are to intense. Its your father or mother that suddenly collapsed from a heart attack while eating dinner. Its your brother, sister, or wife that has been involved in that fatal accident you worked. Depression sets in. Our minds are a powerful thing. What we encounter each and every day has a direct effect on the way we think, act, and more importantly the way we react. The positive thoughts from LIFE and this association of people are AMAZING! From reading the "No Complaining Rule" (HALF OUR DAY AT THE FIREHOUSE IS SPENT COMPLAINING ABOUT THE CHIEF OR WHAT TO COOK!) to learning about how to counter act the different personalities (80% OF OUR JOB IS GETTING ALONG). I am able to handle situations so much easier. Leadership is a key part in the fire service. We often hear the words "Respect is not given, its earned." I must say from my experience in the fire service Leadership and respect go hand in hand. Younger generation firefighters look up to the veterans. They want to be led. They want to know that when you take them into an inferno that is dark and hot, as their leader, you will first have their safety and their life in your hands, second accomplish the mission to the best of your ability, and third deliver them back home to their loved ones safe. LIFE and THIS ASSOCIATION (I'M TALKING TO MY FELLOW FIREFIGHTERS) will not only help drown out some of your most tragic moments but prepare you to become the leader you must be! Stay Safe

    Landon Engleman - Firefighter

    Arezzo/United States

  • Tina Seidel

    I was first introduced to these wonderful people last year around this time. I was very skeptical about getting into anything like this. I thought I had seen or done it all. I am a 45 year old woman that had raised my son on my own, went back to college and got my degree. I thought I had a lot to be proud of myself for. After meeting Jim and Dolores Martin, I knew there was something different about this organization and these people and I wanted to find out more. It didn't take me long to realize that these were genuinely good people and they had my best interest at heart. I had never experienced that before. Once I started plugging into the system, not only did I see myself changing but so did everyone else. Strange, I had always thought of myself as being a very compassionate person. And truth be told, I am. I would do anything for anyone. But as I read books such as "The Compassionate Samurai" I realized what it meant to be a "true" compassionate person. I have fallen completely in love with not only the people in Life, but the system and everything it stands for. I do believe that I, along with the help of the tens of thousands of people involved in Life, will make a difference in this world and the way things are done. I look forward to a brighter, nicer world where everyone knows what their purpose is.

    Tina Seidel - Patient care coordinator

    Florida/United States

  • Dave and Leah Stadel

    We met in college as music students. The dating years were filled with conversations about dreams of Dave pursuing a music career and Leah helping people through music therapy. In short order, Dave was playing live dates and recording and Leah was on staff in a psychiatric hospital. Now married, we began our separate lives. Within a couple years we were pregnant with our first child. We both had grown up with at-home mothers and wanted the same for our children. Knowing that life on the road as a musician was no way to raise children we did the only thing we knew to do, Dave returned to college. He quit what he loved for what his family needed and ultimately has become an IT manager at a marketing firm. Leah transitioned out of her profession to become director of worship at a local church with the ability to work from home, now working every weekend. It was a new plan but the results were the same, separate lives. Dave received a phone call from an old band contact. A complete stranger, this gentleman re-introduced the idea of living out our dreams again through having a business. Our first thoughts sadly were not our dreams, but the potential of just making enough money to raise our children at home! We were then blessed to be exposed the idea of systematic personal growth, what we now call LIFE. Through a systematic approach in growing our selves, our relationships at home got better, our understanding of faith got stronger and we became more valuable as business leaders which began to improve our finances. We devoured Woodward/Brady’s book “Launching A Leadership Revolution”. We plugged into their remarkable system and into Dan and Lisa Hawkins’ courage & selflessness. We’re continuing to learn how to become interdependent with a group of people who dream well and whose godly ideals help people become free relationally, politically and spiritually. Today we are finally moving out of that holding pattern. We are able to homeschool our 4 daughters. Our son attends high school but through the family’s use of LIFE tools and subscriptions he is a character-centered leader in his class. Our marriage has become a godly partnership for a mission. The greatest peace in all this is that we have a system to give everyone else the same opportunity. We consider it an honor to be part of LIFE.

    Dave and Leah Stadel - IT Manager, Music Therapist,

    Wisconsin/United States

  • David & Dena Burch

    When my wife and I were first contacted about LIFE, we avoided our friends because we thought what they wanted to share with us was one of “those things”! I was the chairman of Deacons at a First Baptist Church and led a Bible study/life group at our home (through our church) on Sunday evenings. One particular Sunday in October we had finished and as I led the prayer for financial blessings on the group as each member was having issues including us. The very next morning our friends showed up at our door and before they could finish the presentation, we signed up! God really IS in the details! We cannot stress strongly enough how fantastic the information is on the CD's and in the system books. We had been raised by great parents and had lived on the earth for over 40 years. We owned and operated an international trucking company with gross sales of over 8 million dollars a year and never heard such fantastic truths. It was like a light came on. My wife and 3 sons had just returned from Hawaii for our 25th wedding anniversary in August and what I did not know was our marriage was in deep trouble. I can honestly say that the information in the CD's and books along with the association of a phenomenal TEAM and an honest assessment of where we were and where we wanted to be, has saved this marriage. God knew what I could not see and He brought us this community that we hold so dear! My heart hurts because I did not have this information when our children were young. We just did not know what we did not know! To help other people have a better life and along the way you get a better life as well, what is better than that? Today we have better relationships, better finances, stronger faith, much better health and we are having fun with some of the best friends we have made through this!

    David & Dena Burch - Truck Company Owner

    Texas/United States

  • Bobbie Knuteson

    Because I grew up in a small town, I created a label for myself. I was known as the "singer". Although I love music dearly and appreciate my gift from God, I felt that there was more to my life than singing country music. I had other traits that I wanted to be known for, but I was only ever a singer in other people's eyes...until LIFE happened! Now I have the opportunity to be part of a community where all of my strengths are valued! Thanks to LIFE I am more confident in myself, I have wonderful relationships with family members, I have the truest friends I could ever pray for and I began a relationship with God. As for my critics: At least 2-3 days a week I get lectured by someone, who does not have the results in life that I want, that I should go to school. You don't know what you don't know, but I am going to school. I am going to get my PC degree! I'm studying the eight most important areas in my life and I'm getting paid for it. I've always been a dreamer, but living in the world that's been created today, being a dreamer is out of the norm. LIFE is out of the norm, and I am so thankful for that because normal isn't working! LIFE is helping us change the world back to the way God intended it to be, one family at a time. We provide information that changed people's lives! If you're looking for an amazing change in your life, then I suggest you hop on board, because we're going places with or without you, and it's up to you to decide what kind of life you want! God Bless!

    Bobbie Knuteson -

    Wisconsin/United States

  • Chris and Maggie Bryant

    Maggie was introduced to the LIFE materials at a time when marriage, motherhood, and leadership were some of the furthest things from her mind. Although she had a corporate accounting job by day and by night was heavily into the club scene, she always had a heart for people and was looking for ways to improve. She was introduced to her mentors, Willie & Kristal Seid, who helped guide her through some of the challenges life can bring. Submitting to the audio training system was never a problem since she loved listening to other people’s stories of how they overcame; it was the reading she dreaded. It seemed like every time she picked up a book her eyes would grow heavy and sleep was imminent. True growth kicked in for her after a desire for reading was created. Books like Personality Plus and The Five Love Languages helped give her a better understanding of her relationships with her parents and with her boyfriend, Chris, who has now been her husband for 6 years and father of their 1 ½ year old son, Jacob. Chris came from parents who had been married for over 40 years and Maggie came from parents who were divorced and remarried, so both had different examples and opinions of marriage. In order to have a successful marriage, they found they both needed to pursue materials and information to help lead them down the right path. The Marriage Pack and numerous relationship books from the system have helped to remind them that, “your spouse is a people too”. Being in a generation where marriage seems as light hearted as saying “I Do”, they have been challenged to do the uncomfortable, rather than walk away. This has resulted in change and personal growth in their marriage. One of the most important areas of growth for them as a family has been in their faith. Both Chris and Maggie grew up going to church, but never felt a real desire to be there on their own as adults. The association with a community of people who chose to live out their faith on a daily basis led them to start asking questions and seeking answers for why they believe what they believe. By being in an environment that encouraged questions and accepted and appreciated them for who they were helped guide them to develop a personal relationship with Jesus on their own. Chris and Maggie’s life could have easily taken a different path and they are so thankful for the thin threads that guided them here.

    Chris and Maggie Bryant - Accounts Payable & Machinist

    Texas/United States

  • Lisa Mangold

    I’m Lisa Mangold, and I was a stay at home mom and my husband was a full time pastor when we were invited to learn about LIFE. Although we were initially skeptical, we decided to check it out because of the trust that we had in the family that invited us. The more we learned the more we realized that we had found a community of people who were truly committed to helping others in eight fundamental areas of life. Prior to staying home full time with our children, I had received an M.S. in Parks and Recreation Administration with an emphasis on recreational therapy and personal leadership development. This background did help me to see the value in what was being taught in books like Launching a Leadership Revolution. I became very excited about getting involved with Orrin Woodward and Chris Brady’s vision for leadership development and believed their ideas would have great impact on millions of people. Shortly after getting started, my husband began to experience a series of medical complications related to his previous battle with cancer and a transplant that eventually left him unable to work. This situation put us on the road multiple times per month for the past several years so he could receive medical care. Because we were subscribing to the materials, our family found that we looked at this situation with a different perspective than before. We found ourselves doing things differently, such as turning the hours on the road into time spent learning from the leadership and personal development CDs. We turned the hours sitting in hospitals and doctor offices into productive reading time, resulting in new insights from many great books, such as Personality Plus, The Slight Edge, Peaks & Valleys and LIFE. Our family’s life has been changed greatly because of the CDs and books we receive. Our children are learning from top leadership experts and adults who are great role models. The more we learn from the CDs and books, the more we realize how much about life, relationships and leadership that we did not know. Our involvement has shown us the benefit of life-long learning and we plan on being students for the rest of our lives. LIFE has definitely changed our perspective about struggles, strengthened our family relationships, provided us with hope about our future and helped our financial situation. We have found that being a member of LIFE is the only “hand-up” that we have been given throughout our struggles. We are now in the process of going from a family that has been dependent upon the government and others for all of our needs, to a family that is eliminating debt, changing our lifestyle and supporting worthy causes. We are excited to continue to share LIFE with all we meet, but most of all we hope that you trust the person leading you, learn more and get involved so that you can be blessed as we have!

    Lisa Mangold - Stay at Home Mom

    Illinois/United States

  • Charles & Manon McIntyre

    When I first got introduced to the LIFE products, I was 27 years old, recently married, expecting our first child, starting a new high profile corporate executive job and just moved into a large new home. Although we knew about the LIFE material, we didn’t learn or apply the information to our lives right away. From the outside looking in we were doing pretty good...and we believed it! A few years go by and things aren’t as rosy anymore. I'm working long hours at my job which is taking me away from my wife and kids, bills start to pile up, my health is taking a beating from the long hours and stress at work and needless to say my marital relationship isn't going well. It seemed like the harder we worked the less time and money we had. We were stuck in a rat race looking for answers! That’s when through the example of our friends and now mentors Denis & Lisa Leger, Joce & Cynthia Dionne and Claude & Lana Hamilton we saw firsthand the results LIFE materials could bring into one’s life when properly applied. Their encouragement, leadership and sharing of LIFE products such as the Finance pack, the Marriage pack, the Parenting pack and the AGO series of books and CD’s helped us out tremendously. Today, we have four beautiful kids, great relationships with friends and family, and a fulfilling marriage. We are also gaining better knowledge and improving in the areas of faith, finance and fitness. LIFE has been a turning point in our lives and we encourage everyone to learn from its material and apply it to their lives as well!

    Charles & Manon McIntyre - Regional Manager


  • Marc & Kristine Militello

    When I was a young married woman, I remember thinking married life would be wonderful. I imagined my husband loving to being with me as much as I loved being with him. As the years went by, however, my vision was shattered. Not only did we not enjoy our time together, we got to the point that we couldn't stand being together. I just knew something wasn't right. I was determined to figure it out. I bought books and magazines that "held the secrets to a happy marriage". I read them, posted the quotes around my house and yet nothing changed. Still no happiness. There were days I would go to bed and think to myself, "I am married to a jerk. I gave him at least 9 compliments today and not one of them mattered to him!" I am certain he was going to bed saying the same things about me. How do two people, who started out choosing to spend their lifetime together, certain of life-long bliss and happiness get to the point that they go to bed feeling unloved, unhappy and just plain angry? You get there because without proper information in, proper results cannot come out. It was at this low point in our lives that we signed up and joined LIFE. We were looking to make money, something that we really needed in our lives, we weren't looking for the secrets to a happy marriage; but by God's grace we found both. We weren't expecting to find what we did, but we were hungry students willing to listen, read and associate. And we started getting the proper information from people with results who helped us get the same results. Funny thing is, just because you read a magazine on marriage or buy a book on the subject, doesn't guarantee that the person writing the article has any results. What we found with LIFE was totally different, and our results proved to be the same. It started with Personality Plus. We began to understand each others personalities - knowing he wasn't trying to annoy me - he was just different! WOW, what a difference that made. Next to read the Five Love Languages and learn that complimenting my husband didn't make him feel loved, even though that made me feel loved. Talk about life changing! I began to see what actually mattered to my husband and began loving him in that way. What a difference it made in our lives. It didn't stop there, so many books, like Becoming a Woman of his Dreams, The DNA of Relationships, Love and Respect, The Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage and on and on. Books from people who had results that when followed allowed us to have the same results. Today I can look at my husband and say, I do love being with him and he would say the same about me. Today, my husband is my best friend. And we owe it all to LIFE.

    Marc & Kristine Militello - Teacher

    Michigan/United States

  • As my wife and I first got a hold of the Life education system, there were several aspects that we found to be beneficial. The Life Leadership CD's and LLR series was what really grabbed a hold of me. The truth of how the country was being directed and the path that lies a head for all North Americans had never been a thought. With the education through these CD's it made me want to dig in and learn. The speakers on the recordings did not just give their opinion on affairs of the nation, they back up what they say with legitimate sources of study that I could do research to make my own judgment. The Life information system is my way to educate myself. Life has truly helped me teach my children better, treat my wife better, make friends easier and reaffirmed my spiritual side. Our life for the first time has a positive outlook and we owe a life debt to the founders, speakers and coaches for giving us hope and happiness. I highly recommend for every man and women to take a real look at LIFE. Get on system with the Leadership CD's and begin learning what to do and how to educate yourself for your future. Its is the best thing you will ever do. We learned how to love life, live intentionally, create something worthy of being proud of and leave a legacy for our children and with God's will, many others.

    Jeff & Patrice Caldwell - Auto Body Technician

    Michigan/United States

  • I have been involved with Orrin Woodward and the leadership of LIFE for the last several years. 10 years ago, I was a physical therapist, fresh out of college working and living in Traverse City, MI. Inwardly, I was a defensive, easily embarrassed and shy person. I was what you could call a "Little League loser" with deeply embedded limiting beliefs and a low self esteem. Outwardly, I was quickly heading for financial and marital disaster. I was $180,000 in debt, between massive student loans and consumer debt, working 60 hours a week in a job I did not have a passion for, and in the beginning stages of a 'rocky' relationship with my now wife, Cassie. All I saw around me were people with bad finances, bad relationships, and bad attitudes who were embracing their mediocre and painful lives as though there was nothing they could do to change them. I was beginning to wonder if this was all life had to offer. I have no doubt, that without LIFE's leadership CDs, personal growth books, and positive association in my life, I would be firmly entrenched in the rut of life, a slave to my debt, divorced, and miserable. My kids would be a product of another broken home, with parents as mentors who had no financial or marriage fruit on the tree. Luckily, I was looking for a change when I fell in with some friends who were involved with Orrin Woodward, Chris Brady and leadership. I had major doubts about myself ever becoming a leader, but I really liked the audios, books and association the LIFE leaders had to offer. I started to think, feel and act differently. I developed hope, discipline, and a different belief system. The biggest blessing came from God using these leadership materials and association to bring the "Little League loser" to know Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior! I was lost, but now am found. I was blind, but now can see. Jesus Christ is now the cornerstone and foundation of my life. The following are just a few memorable examples of LIFE material that helped me to change my thinking and change my life: Books - The Cashflow Quadrant, Launching a Leadership Revolution, Magic of Thinking Big, Talent is Overrated, Courage, all of the books by John Wooden, A Case for Christ, and Spiritual Depression. Packs - Maximizing your Finances pack, No Regrets pack, and the Marriage pack. Through plugging into the leadership of LIFE, I am excited to say that I now have Christ in my life, I am still and happily married to my beautiful wife Cassie, we have 4 wonderful children who are smart, God fearing, and leaders in their own right, and we are now passionately locking arms with other purpose driven people and striving to make a difference in this crumbling world! God Bless, Kirk Birtles

    Kirk & Cassie Birtles - Physical Therapist

    Michigan/United States

  • Holger & Lindsey Spiewak

    Hello, this is Holger Spiewak and I met Orrin Woodward and Chris Brady in October 1999 through my friend Bill Lewis. Certainly, my life has been incredibly blessed through my association with them. Every F has been impacted, faith, family, freedom, finances, fitness, following, friends, and fun! Even though I was blessed with an incredible business, financial freedom, the most amazing wife, and 4 wonderful children (and yes, all because of principles learned). The biggest blessing is that where when I met Orrin and Chris I thought I was merely a cosmic accident, completely came into being by chance and after death there was certain NOTHING. I now have a personal relationship with God Almighty through His son, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! His promise of eternal life in paradise is a treasure that now is certain for me, it cannot be taken away, and is literally the ultimate desire of every human being who ever existed. Orrin always says that the purpose of LIFE is to lead people to the truth. Well it did for me, I encountered the ultimate truth, that there is a God, the God of the Bible. I am a sinner and only by His grace did I gain this blessing. Just like for me, eternal life and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, your ultimate friend, who knows everything about you and YET loves you unconditionally, is available for you. His word says, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16

    Holger & Lindsey Spiewak - Engineer, Teacher

    Michigan/United States

  • Lori & Mark Maas

    I worked hard to overcome residue from growing up in a dysfunctional family. I believed my purpose was to continue to grow, and help others end their generational cycle of dysfunction, abuse and divorce. But I wasn’t sure how. My jobs at the Software company, Chamber of Commerce, printing company or even my own marketing businesses just didn’t fit my purpose. I know the Lord can use us anywhere, but something was missing. I thought being the Director of a Domestic Abuse Agency, working with abused women was “it”. Unfortunately, many I "saved", went back or got into a more abusive relationship. My son came to talk to me about a LIFE business, but I wouldn’t listen. I was much too busy trying to save the world. I left the agency after four years; depressed and burnt out. I went to work as a youth director for a year, and then tried different jobs, but nothing felt right. I started my own business decorating weddings, events and homes. I added a retail shop and employees to the mix. During this time my mom passed away. Now I was juggling my mom's estate, my business, employees, my shop and my husband’s Auto Repair Shop books. After a couple years, I couldn’t juggle anymore and the balls began to fall. I began to ask myself, “Did it really matter if their home was beautifully decorated . . . but the family inside was a mess?” If I decorated for a wedding, helped to create a fairy tale event . . . only to have the marriage end in divorce a year later? What was the difference I was making? How was I helping to stop the generational cycle of dysfunction, abuse and divorce? I thought of writing my life story to help others. But I realized that my story wasn’t finished yet. So I kept praying for the Lord to show me what I was supposed to be doing. My son Dan tried again to talk to me about the LIFE business. I thought this was just another one of “those” businesses, the kind I had tried in the past and failed at. But he told me this was different and his wife Lisa got me to a seminar. There I learned that LIFE held the answers I was seeking all along. I was praying for the Lord to show me how to make a difference, but I was too skeptical/closed minded to see that what Dan was trying to show me was exactly what the Lord had sent. Today because of TEAM/LIFE, Mark and I have grown closer as a couple and now work together helping many people. TEAM/LIFE offered us mentors, tools, a system and time to make a difference not only in our family but in many families. Thank you Orrin and Laurie Woodward, Team Policy Council and LIFE Founders for providing a vehicle to help us help so very many people find answers. Lori (and Mark) Maas

    Lori & Mark Maas - Decorator

    Wisconsin/United States

  • Renee Oettinger

    I had completed my masters degree of science in nursing and was working as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner when Greg, my husband, and I were introduced to an awesome learning system. One of the first books I read was Personality Plus by Florence Littauer. I was intrigued to learn more about myself, what my areas of strength and weakness were and where I would best perform, but what was most beneficial was learning how to better understand others. Through nursing school, the hospitals and the clinic I had worked, we had done different personality profiles, saw what we were and then it ended. Here it was different. Florence gave many real life examples for peers, spouses, children and people of all kinds and this made it very applicable to my life. I felt like reading this $12 book equipped me better to work with and help families than all my nursing classes. What was most impactful was realizing that the expectations I had of others was creating conflict or frustration. When interacting with people, I believed since we all got the same information they would see things the way I did so they should respond and do as I did. When they didn't, I found this aggravating and believed some people reacted differently just to annoy me (like all they had to do was think about me). After reading this book, I felt like a 50 pound monkey was lift off my back and I realized that it was just the way others processed information. Some needed way more time to figure things out or maybe had questions to be answered. Once I understood this, I knew I was not always needing to drag people or re-explain things, I just needed to leave them alone until they decided to act. This has helped me in many family, friend and business relationships and since we are not an island of "one", less conflict in relationships is most enlightening. I am grateful that there have been follow up CD's which helped me understand this process more and make working with people more pleasant. I am truly thankful for this book and the many I have read from the LIFE learning system as my relationships have been enriched greatly. God Bless, Renee

    Renee Oettinger - Nurse Practitioner

    Wisconsin/United States

  • Michael & Lynnette Parr

    What does a life look like without direction and truth? Have you ever tried to play a new game that you just received on Christmas day without the proper instruction? Not much fun, and yes, a little frustrating. We have all had those moments at some point on this journey we call life. Everyone of us has areas where we feel more pain and frustration than others. It might be our family relationships or our finances. It could be that we just know in our heart that we long for a closer relationship with our God but, we're just not sure exactly what that looks like. Lynnette and I adopted our son Braydon and became parents who needed the instructions for our " new game". We found out that we could come along side of Braydon and help lead him to his greatest potential. This was accomplished by spending time with our mentors and hours spent in the books from the LIFE system. The books the Age of Opportunity and the Five Love languages helped us tremendously . We have realized that gifts (but what early teen wouldn't) and words of affirmation will make deposits in his love tank. It was also amazing to see how the dynamics or our relationship changed as we added a new member to our household . Finances seemed to tighten and tempers seemed to flair. There were days that we didn't even seem to recognize the person we married. One message that we heard over and over again was to live our life out with specific intent. We dug into the system and began to turn things around. We learned more about each other through books like the DNA of relationships. We would drive down the road listening to CD packs like the Marriage Pack. As we look back, it is sometimes hard to believe how far we have come . However, more than that, we are so excited for where the future is taking us. 1 John 3:17 says, "But if anyone has the worlds goods and sees a brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?" We were blessed that someone saw a brother in need and didn't close their heart to us. Life is good........so good!!!! Michael and Lynnette

    Michael & Lynnette Parr - sales

    Palermo/United States

  • Eric and Miriam Schilling

    On average, in the U.S., a suicide happens every 17 seconds. This doesn't surprise me. As a young woman in generation Y, I've seen what the typical teen's life centers around now. No wonder we're depressed. When I left High school, I had a deep sense of hopelessness for this life. When I was introduced to the information that LIFE has to provide, that feeling was lifted. In it's place was a sure sense of purpose and that I was not alone on this earth. The information I receive through the LLR series gave me a sense of personal responsibility for my community, showed me the role I could play in my country, and how my actions do effect the bigger picture. I was married at 18 years old. There were many people who gave me the "be careful, you're too young" speech, and rightly so, with such a high divorce rate. At age 20, my 19 month old daughter passed away suddenly. The rate of divorce, when there is loss of a child, goes up from 50% to 80%. Eric and I were determined not to be a statistic. The Marriage Pack and the marriage books available like "The Five Love Languages" and "Love and Respect" have made it possible for us to have an even better relationship than when we started and we are now looking at having our third child. With out LIFE, the last few years could have been recipe for serious disaster, but instead we've been blessed and have simply persevered with the coaching we've received. To any one who may be young with their lives ahead of them, your life is happening NOW and it can be scary with out proper guidance and support.

    Eric and Miriam Schilling - Retail

    Wisconsin/United States

  • Joshua and Kristina Meinel

    When I first saw this business, I was going to college and graduated with a BFA in Theater with an emphasis in Stage Management. My life was so on track with a job in my field right outside of college. I was working as a professional stage manager at a respected dinner theater. I went to school, got good grades, and got a “good” job. But my “dream job” was more like a nightmare. I was working long hours in a high stress position, with people who did not appreciate my talents. The hardest part of my job was being away from my newlywed husband. He worked early in the morning and came home in the afternoon and I left in the afternoon and came home around midnight, long after he was in bed. I thought I got married to spend time with him! Back then, my husband and I had been involved in this business for about a year. I remember getting started because there was a low downside risk and high upside potential. To a college student on a Ramen Noodle diet, yeah, the start up fee was a little intimidating, but I knew the success of this business would be in my control. I remember thinking (before I understood the system of this business), “Some people make it in ‘these things’ and I will be one of them.” So, we started. The results of the LIFE business just keep coming. I have learned a more tender side of talking to people from reading books like Personality Plus and How to Win Friends and Influence People. We got married while in the business and I know the ideas I learned from books like The Five Love Languages and Becoming the Woman of His Dreams helped our marriage to build a strong foundation of how to treat each other. Having a strong personality, I have also learned that there are things that I can do to be a better wife and the problems in our relationship are not all Josh’s fault. ;) I have learned to think in all situations, if there is a problem, the only thing I can change is how I look at the situation and what I can do to improve myself to help the matter. When I first got started I wanted to see tangible results, so for people like me, here are some! Josh and I reorganized our finances with the information from the Financial Pack and the book The Slight Edge, and I got out of my job! I am currently a stay-at-home wife and mother of a baby boy. We are working toward replacing Josh’s income so he can be at home with us to see his son’s first steps, words, and so many more “firsts” to come!

    Joshua and Kristina Meinel - Professional Theatre Stage Manager

    Wisconsin/United States

  • Dean & Teresa Frey

    Being raised in great families, Teresa and I were taught many good principles on how to live our lives. As we got older, however, we realized the limits that we had reached because of the thinking that we had acquired. Listening to a lot of the LIFE CDs and reading the top books, our minds were stretched as we learned that we really “didn’t know what we didn’t know”. Every one of us has a greater potential than we realize. Unfortunately, most people don’t utilize their abilities to the fullest because of the environment that they’re in and their choice of association. The thinking and perspective that we have of ourselves is largely determined by both of the above. If we don’t like the results that we are getting, the obvious conclusion is that we need to change something. This change has to begin with the information that we are putting in, and the thinking that results. Regrettably, we have become a culture of followers: afraid to step out, take risks, and seek excellence. All of the LIFE material has taught us to take responsibility for our results and our personal lives. There is a standard of excellence woven through the fabric of the LIFE culture, and those participating in it are destined to be influenced by it. Developing the habit of listening to the CDs from the LLR Series has helped us tremendously by cultivating our skills in leading, dealing with change, handling failure, working through conflict resolution, and many other topics. Learning people and relationship skills from the Relationship, Marriage, and Parenting packs has also been very helpful in our everyday lives. We are raising four children, and we know how challenging being a parent can be. It is so great to absorb principles and skills, and see how our children—now all teenagers and up—have benefited from the information. We learned to give our kids incentives to read the books and understand the principles themselves. Because of that, they have much more confidence than we had at their age. The financial principles that they are learning will help them avoid many of the common mistakes that most young people make. Not being a big reader myself, I (Dean) initially resisted digging into the different books. However, as I started to understand the importance of learning from great authors and stretching my mind I began to read. It now seems as though every author speaks directly to me, and challenges me in many areas. Sometimes it’s not even the new concepts, but the thoughts that I am being reminded of that help the most. Overall, everything that we have been learning—and the growth that has resulted—has touched every aspect of our lives. We highly recommend that those wanting to improve their lives in any of our 8 F’s dig in and enjoy the experience. God has expanded our belief that we can make a difference in the world by leading people to the truths that will set them free.

    Dean & Teresa Frey - D-Accountant / T-Bank Teller

    Palermo/United States

  • Dave Chatmon

    Life was great or so I thought! I was a very successful business man running a multi-million dollar distribution company, a successful rental property company, a charter fishing company, and a newly purchased embroidery company. Oh yeah, I am married and have three daughters, and even though I loved them more then my own life, they didn’t know it! That is who I was and where I was heading was divorce and my daughters wanting nothing to do with me; you know I was the all mighty king. That is when my employee and engineer brought LIFE into my future! As you can see I was super busy and doing exactly what I was taught to do and anyone getting in my way would regret it. But Larry Groser just kept smiling and trying to give me a CD or a book and telling me how it will help me. Then one day he came to my office with a CD and told me he loved it and he listened to it many times and it really reminded him of me. Well that is all I needed to know and I grabbed it and listened to my first CD and it changed my LIFE! Soon after I became a CD and book junkie and Larry was my dealer. After studying the finance pack I learned my thinking was wrong and I was going into a deeper hole which made me work more and longer hours. The parenting pack made me hug my girls and tell them how much I love them and I started working harder in that area. Then, the marriage pack…that was very hard because I thought everything was Tina’s fault, but I learned it was really all my doing and fault. I started looking at my employees and realized that they may have many of the same issues and they did because once I started sharing this LIFE changing information with them, first when they didn’t know it and then slowly reveling the source they started being happier at work. Then a huge opportunity presented itself to me and I had the chance to run a distribution district for a worldwide company. The challenge was that this district was last in the world and I was given 4 months to prove that it shouldn’t be shut down and the people let go. So I took on this great challenge and I didn’t waste any time I quickly started implementing the LIFE system into the thinking of all the employees and in that fourth month as a team we were #1! LIFE has not only changed and improved my life in all 8 areas but it has had a ripple effect and changed the LIFE of everyone I am blessed enough to come into contact with. The only way I see improving your LIFE is to be a part of it!

    Dave Chatmon - HVAC Manufacturer District Manager

    Wisconsin/United States

  • John & Penny Graff

    I am so excited to share a few thoughts about my experience with LIFE to this point. First off I just want to say that I truly feel we have just started this life long Journey. Before starting this business, I had never read a book from cover to cover (except children's books to my daughter or grandkids). I have now over the last 6 years lost count of the books I have read and am so excited to pick up the next one recommended from my Mentor Lisa Hawkins. I have learned that if I stop learning, I stop growing and that that would be a sad waste of my potential to affect others. I used to be proud to say "Me No Read." How crazy. I had to humble myself to the fact that I didn't know what I didn't know. I am so thankful to Lisa and her patience with me to love me where I was and to encourage me to be where she knows I can be. I embrace the ability to be a better Wife, Mother, Grandmother, and Leader on this LIFE Journey. I also know the information from Launching a Leadership Revolution book alone has changed how I more effectively oversee the workings of our Assisted Living Home, changing our life forever. I really feel the FOLLOWING (F) which is Leadership has caused the greatest improvements in our life so far, and look forward to continued growth in all areas of our lives. As John Maxwell says, "Everything rises and falls on Leadership."

    John & Penny Graff - Nurse/Self Employed Assisted Living Home Owner

    Wisconsin/United States

  • Denny & Donna Smith

    Although neither Donna nor I have formal college educations, we have both benefited tremendously through years of self education, which is what LIFE is all about: a Leadership Education, or what author Oliver DeMille calls a "Thomas Jefferson Education." For a very small fraction of the cost of college tuition, we have been able to educate ourselves through business seminars, books, and audios from some of the top performers and educated achievers in the country. This education has empowered us to become better as entrepreneurs and leaders, as well as learning vital human engineering skills. Having a Life Coach / Mentor has been a tremendous blessing that has empowered us to reach our full potential. LIFE has become a way of life for us as a result of the association with this great community of leaders.... Denny Smith Former US Marine / Business Owner

    Denny & Donna Smith - Entrepreneurs

    New Jersey/United States

  • Lyndon & Ruthie Bell

    Ruthie & I live in Loganville, Ga. We have been married 26 years, have 2 kids in college and 1 in high school. Currently, Ruthie is a preschool teacher at our church and I own a janitorial company. We first heard about the LIFE business from a friend in Wisconsin and the first F that attracted us was Friends. We have known Dave & Leah Stadel for about 11 years. We have been involved in other businesses together and made a promise that we would one day be financially free together. Dave is one of my best friends and I wanted to be in business with him again. The idea of building a business, hitting goals and reaching Dreams with Dave was the first attraction to Life. The second F that attracted us was Finances. Ruthie and I have always been ambitious. I left the E quadrant 9 years ago, after spending 18 years in the information technology field, to make my living in the S quadrant. We owned a contracting company in the home building field and I was a sales rep for a national company. Neither one panned out long term. With the economy the way it is we began shrinking our want circle down to meet our income circle. We invested our entire life's savings and bought 27 acres in the mountains of North Alabama. This is old family land and our plan is to build our dream home there to retire to. Up to the point we heard about the LIFE business, we had diminished our house down to a mobile home. Now, because of the potential we know we have with LIFE, we are designing the house we plan to build. Because of LIFE, we will have the 1200 foot Ginkgo tree lined driveway, beautiful fencing around the pastures, swimming pool and helicopter pad. This, combined with the beach condo we have always wanted will be provided by building the LIFE business. Dave introduced us to Dan & Lisa Hawkins. Upon speaking with Dan and then meeting him, I am convinced he is the Leader who can mentor us to any level of success we can imagine. By improving ourselves in the 8 F's, and with mentorship from the Stadels and Hawkins, we are confident we can succeed in this business. Our vision is to build a community across the country with people striving to become better people. We strive to improve ourselves in the 8 F's, and lead others to Truth. God has given us a purpose and we truly believe it is to help people have a better life with the Life business. Lyndon & Ruthie Bell

    Lyndon & Ruthie Bell - Business Owner / Preschool Teacher

    Georgia/United States

  • Robert and Tiffany Nava

    Hello there! We are Robert and Tiffany Nava. We are so excited about LIFE!!! When Robert and I started this journey, we thought our marriage was ok and we thought our parenting was good, but we knew our finances were not so good. When we started diving into the system man did it change our LIVES!!!! We started to see that the number one thing in our life that was lacking was the faith "F". We were so hungry for that in our lives, that was the first thing we changed. Being around a group of people who had that piece worked out was SO refreshing for us. Then we quickly realized some of the other eight "F"s we needed work in. So we are proud to say we are a product of this system for sure!!! Our Marriage is better. We actually communicate now. Our parenting has improved; things we were so blind to in the past have totally changed. We have knocked out so much debt because of the Financial piece that the LIFE system teaches itself. Its Amazing!!! Looking back on when our Journey started and where we are today is Priceless, as well as, what we have been able to do and change through the LIFE system. We have four children that we now homeschool and are changing and making a difference in our whole family. We are so excited about having purpose now in our life and are so ready to leave a legacy for generations to come! LIFE is for everyone. If it can take the life of an average family, a Factory Worker and a Daycare Provider with 4 kids and totally change our family for the better....It can yours too!

    Robert and Tiffany Nava - Factory worker/Daycare provider

    Texas/United States

  • Steven & Kelli Sager

    For the past 14 years in Law Enforcement, I have experienced different levels of influence (both good & not so good) from my relationships through many professional, personal, social, political & economical endeavors. I was pretty much “in the corporate” mainstream of status quo, working for a paycheck and not of purpose. The first level of influence as a leader is to never stop learning. In my profession I was only required (not encouraged) to get better job skills. There were no effective programs of information to improve in “Leadership” due to the emphasis on “management.” By continuously applying the principles taught through the 8 F’s, I have been able to build solid foundations that make a lasting difference in my marriage, finances, faith & relationships. The information in the Fellowship (i.e. Leadership) area, has given me the courage to strive for excellence, instead of settling for mediocrity that was programmed by past relationships & the media. I have been blessed with a way to help everyone in having access to the right ideas, principles, and a better community to improve their lives! Will you have the courage to apply them? I wasn’t sure I did. As President Abraham Lincoln stated, “It often requires more courage to dare to do right, than fear to do wrong.” Within that continuous learning process of Fellowship I have been able to grow from watching great men such as Steve Leurquin & Gary Severson, and so many more who I respect and follow. In these high stressed times that our country & families are enduring there is so much chaos right now that everyone is looking for REAL solutions. The issue with me wasn’t in a lack of information. Heck, the internet is just a click of a button away on my cell phone. Rather, the real issue is getting information from the correct source and applying it to your life. The LIFE program not only provides that valuable information for you to fulfill your calling, but priceless examples to follow. As I continued listening to the information I had realized that I could not simply remain at the same level of thinking as I was yesterday in order to move forward at any level of success. As Orrin Woodward once stated, “success has been, and always will be an inside job.” This is your chance to stop standing on the sidelines & get onto the playing field of LIFE!

    Steven & Kelli Sager - Police Officer

    Illinois/United States

  • Corey & Amy Clark

    When we were 25 years old, we found ourselves in the same rut everyone else we knew was in. We were expecting our first child and trying to figure out finances, daycare, and juggle our work schedules. That's when Jammie and Richard Fisher came into our lives and shared some information with us that changed everything. I never knew my husband secretly was trying to figure out how I could be a stay at home mom. The idea never crossed my mind because I knew where our finances stood and we could never afford me to stop working. When our son was only 5 months old, he started to have some health issues and the doctor told me I needed to quit my job and stay home with him. That's when we sat down with Jammie and Richard and they introduced the Maximize Your Finances Pack to us. Just by applying the information taught in this pack, we were able to re-organize our finances and within 4 months we were able to cut my paycheck out of our bills. We no longer needed the paycheck I brought in as an Occupational Therapy Assistant. I could stay home with our son and attend to his needs. To this day, we still apply the information we learned from the finances pack. Even in this poor economy, I have been able to remain a stay at home mom for our two, soon to be three, children.

    Corey & Amy Clark - Sprinkler Fitter (fire protection) and Occupational Therapy

    Wisconsin/United States

  • Steven & Kelli Sager

    When my husband Steve and I were introduced to this opportunity dreaming was not in my vocabulary . I grew up in a home that had no father . He passed away when I was 5 leaving my mom with 3 little girls to raise, with no job or job experience. We lived in a pretty rough neighborhood and we didn't have much growing up so dreaming never even entered my mind. Through this opportunity my eyes have been opened to a whole new world. I now realize through much reading and listening to recommended audios that there is so much more out there and it's ok to have big ideas and dreams. I must admit I work at it daily because it never has come natural to me. It's ok to dream! That's what drives us to step outside our comfort zone. Never in a million years did I think I would ever speak in front of people, especially on a large scale. I have done this more than a handful of times now and I can do this because I have something to look at bigger than my fear of speaking (and believe me, I never spoke to anyone unless spoken to first! Anyone I went to high school with can attest to this). Dream big! Get your hopes up! It's ok! Don't ever let anyone tell you not to get your hopes up. This country was founded on dreams and visions! I challenge who ever may be reading this to research the most successful people in the world. I guarantee they had a dream or vision they would not give up on! Because my vision has been expanded, I now realize I am not living my purpose in that factory. I have a dream to help other people realize their worth and help them to know there are no restrictions on them because of where they may have come from or what they may be going through now. LIFE has changed my life ! Kelli Sager

    Steven & Kelli Sager - Factory Worker

    Illinois/United States

  • LIFE has enabled us to lose our excuses and negativity. Realize that our problems were only situations waiting for solutions. Enabling us to achieve our dreams and goals by improving ourselves, find our purpose in life utilizing a duplicatable system that consists of a loyal supportive community and LIFE tools developed by high level leadership experts. We have coaches and mentors who have the lifestyle we truly desire and are willing to help us have it as well through LIFE.

    Jeff & Lita Wolf - Highend Sales/Photographer

    Oregon/United States

  • Ken and Joan  Hendon

    Thank You, Life Cynicism becomes no one and I was fast becoming a cynic. The daily battle of teaching had left me frustrated, so I left and started a construction business. My construction business had worn me down physically and mentally. My father’s corporate career left me cold. I desperately wanted to make a difference, but where could I go and what could I do? After years of hiding behind my golf clubs and skis I encountered a young man with a system and a dream. The system intrigued me and the dream hooked my wife. I was unfamiliar with the concept of dreaming; I just worked. After several months of associating with dreamers, I decided to follow their advice and write out the specifics of what I wanted out of my life. Energy streamed into me. Soon I was chasing a dream. I streamlined my construction business to find more time for my LIFE business and doubled my profits. Money became secondary as I developed my purpose. Soon I was surrounded by others of purpose and energy, and every day contained an excitement I had never felt before. I would strongly recommend The Purpose Pack CDs and associating with the LIFE leaders at every opportunity. LIFE is good; thank you LFE! Ken and Joan Hendon

    Ken and Joan Hendon - Builder / Teacher

    Palermo/United States

  • Pete & Chan Sladic

    Before LIFE, we were both aimlessly going about our lives. Faith: Through the AGO series materials we have been able explore and better understand what we believe and why we believe what we believe. These materials have also helped us with our new found faith and our walk with the Lord. Family: A couple of the different materials on Marriage, for example, have helped us grow personally and learn how to build a better foundation for our marriage and relationship as well as help others with their own marriage and children. Without these, we would probably not be a couple today. Finance: Without the materials available from LIFE, we would have never learned how to get out of debt, how to change the way we handle our money and how to eliminate what doesn’t help us get closer to our goals without delaying our gratification. Fitness: With the amazing available products, we have been able to change our eating habits and keep costs down without losing our nutrition values. Following: Through the mentorship of Bill & Jackie Lewis and the rest of the leaders in LIFE, we are learning how to build our own following and legacy for many years to come as well as help many others do the same for themselves and their families. Freedom: Knowing that with a little effort on our part, goal setting and game planning, we now know that any of our and others’ goals and dreams, can and will be achieved! It is in our control to take our future in our hands. We just have to go do the work and get them! “A dream worth pursuing, is worth pursuing hard.” Friends: We have met many of our best friends here with LIFE that we would have never met if we never took a chance and new ones that we have not met yet. Being able to learn how to build better relationships and help others has become one of our purposes in LIFE. To see strangers become part of our lives and want to see them succeed is amazing to us and a great gift! Fun: We have not stopped having fun on this TEAM! Traveling to TEAM events and having CD listening contests and parties are just a few of the fun things to mention. For those that do not have the means to get to some of the events, we have had garage sales to raise money for hotels, gas and tickets to have these team members join us. We will leave no man or woman behind! We owe it all to Orrin & Laurie Woodward, the Policy Council, the rest of the LIFE leaders, and the LIFE materials. We probably would not be together as a couple today, able to help ourselves or others, if it wasn’t for that one day we took a chance and joined LIFE.

    Pete & Chan Sladic - Maintenance/Funeral Director


  • Joe & Laura Darkangelo

    LIFE LESSONS When getting started with LIFE we never dreamed where the journey would take us, with dream being the operative word. We thought the “American Dream” consisted of work, work, work and then work some more to finance the lifestyle that we thought was important. We never took the time to evaluate what our true goals and dreams were or to educate ourselves on how to pursue any true dreams that may be in our hearts. Team and now LIFE have changed our thinking on the “American Dream” drastically. We, as a family, have learned many life lessons over the last eight years by applying the principles that we have learned through the educational system. It really has been an eye opener. While all of the 8 “F”s of LIFE are crucial in leading a healthy productive life, one “F” that we have made a conscious effort to improve has definitely been the Finance “F”. It has been books such as “The Business of the 21st Century” by Robert Kiyosaki, “The Magic of Thinking Big” by David J. Schwartz, “Read and Grow Rich” by Burke Hedges and “God’s Plan for Your Finances” that stand out as influential in changing our path to real success as well as CD's like those found in the Finance Pack. Not so long ago delaying gratification, goal setting, and dream building were foreign concepts in our family. We feel so blessed that we are part of a company that encourages personal growth, change and challenges our thinking to not accept the “norm” and settle for “good” but to reach for the “great”!! Our definition of LIFE is the ability to run for your dreams with everything you have, to get back up when you have been knocked down, to learn from those that have the fruit on the tree, to always be humble and gracious and to give thanks to God for the obstacles and victories in LIFE. Joe and Laura Darkangelo

    Joe & Laura Darkangelo -

    Michigan/United States

  • Rob & Debby Crichlow

    The LIFE business has impacted every area of our lives in a positive way. We had experienced success in business, through owning and managing a software company that was started when Rob was in his twenties. However that success had come with a very high price tag. Long hours, high risk financially, and the resulting stress that comes from building a business without mentoring or guidance in how to move forward. When introduced to LIFE, we were surprised at how it began to address things like our relationship with each other, our kids, our friends, and even our business relationships. The CD’s, books, and association with people who had conquered issues in both business and other areas of their lives, quickly gave us positive results. The ability to mentor with successful leaders allowed us to grow into more effective leaders, and in turn, helping others grow as leaders. With LIFE, we are now are now experiencing success in business without the high price tag, but in addition we are having success in all of the areas of our lives. All of our children are building LIFE businesses and gaining leadership abilities, which were simply not available to us when we started our software company. We recommend that anyone looking to improve themselves and gain real success, be a part of the LIFE business. Rob and Debby Crichlow

    Rob & Debby Crichlow - Technology Business Owner

    Ohio/United States

  • Since our introduction to the LIFE business, we have been able to live out our belief in lifelong learning. The books, the CD’s, the meetings, seminars and conventions are unbelievable resources that together provide an education beyond any institution in this world! We have benefited from the team training system with enriched relationships with our family, improved communication, financial independence and an optimism for the future. Personality Plus and Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters assisted in repairing a broken relationship between a father and a teenage girl. The Financial Pack set us on the right track with our spending and savings. Wow - the power of the Purpose Pack! We have always believed the philosophy of “what we are is God’s gifts to us and what we make of ourselves is our gift to God.” Knowing that our mission was to serve others, the reality of servant leadership through LIFE has bridged the gap of being missionaries in this secular world by meeting the needs of one person at a time, making a difference and having fun. There is no such thing as selling in this business. It is all about relationship building. How I Raised Myself From Failure to Success in Selling by Frank Betcher, has been a resource we go back to regularly for attitude adjustments in dealing with people and overcoming any unbelief we may have. The Magic of Thinking Big provided us the inspiration to dream build in ways that our limited thinking had squelched. Squeeze Your Future CD by Claude and Lana Hamilton has inspired us to pursue our dreams with passion by helping others. The association with fellow LIFE members has been a blessing in the positive relationships and fellowship we have shared and experienced. The mentorship / coaching we have received with our uplines, Bob and Tina Rasmussen, Rod Dahlke and Tina Spierings has been life-changing! With the launching of the LIFE business, the holistic approach to serving others through the 8 F’s, provides a way to tie everything together – mind, body, and soul. Orrin Woodward and Chris Brady are fantastic leaders, teachers, and role models of this company! What an awesome business to be a part of where the founders are in the top 15 business leadership gurus in the world! Our hunger for learning from them and the other leaders in LIFE make absorbing numerous CD’s a daily treat! The first two CD's eliminate the self negativity and the additional CD's assist us with the armor to be more positive one day at a time. We are grateful that someone believed enough in us to show us the plan. Our goal is to pay it forward and at the end our journey, when we meet our Lord, hear the words “well done good and faithful servant”.

    Mike & Julie Hellweg - Process Engineer and Higher Education Administer

    Wisconsin/United States

  • Brian & Sherry Powers

    Clarity of Purpose LIFE Yes, a Firefighter's life is very self-rewarding! Public Service Employees suffer one of the highest rates of broken families because of their dedication to their occupation. Just as Peter Senge’s book “The Fifth Discipline” says, we have become a society of people that identify ourselves by our occupation. As a Professional Firefighter, my identity had become that, “The Fire Guy”, while at the same time, my family suffered by having to take a back seat while I did what everyone told me was so was very important. I blamed my occupation for the downfall of my first marriage. Then GOD brought me an angel and by HIS grace I was given a second chance. Truth is, a young man, Bill Lewis, came into my life and helped see and understand that I had died many years prior and was living a life of quiet desperation. I’ve yet to meet a person that is so dedicated to helping others accomplish their goals and dreams as Bill. He truly is focused on bringing out the best in people and restoring their hope. Bill inspired me to be the person GOD made me to be! “Leading Your Way to a Better Life” brought me to the realization that most everything that others believed made me successful, in reality had me trapped. I believe I was called to be a Firefighter and now understand that America’s education system lacks what it takes to educate men and women about the significance of marriage, and the fundamentals of raising children. And, most importantly, the significance of living a life based on the foundational principles that our great country was founded upon. I am excited to be a part of LIFE as we move forward in this new age to restore those foundational biblical principles that are identified in the Boy Scout Oath. No one can argue that those should be values that we each live our daily lives by. Living life with a purpose! GOD has planted the seeds of greatness in each of us. Living a LIFE of purpose will take courage. Courage to fight back against the status-quo. Courage to become the Leader we were each born to be. Courage to ask GOD for wisdom and strength to be the person He created us to be. Courage to stand up to the critics with low self esteem. One day, our grandchildren will be very happy that we provided the arena for them to stand up for themselves and fulfill their clarity of purpose. LIFE is an environment, a belief, a community of people, dedicated to the success of others by inspiring them to have faith in themselves again. The greatest reward today is the look on children’s faces when mom comes home to be a full time mom, because we have restored their belief and helped them step outside a comfort zone and become the people GOD created them to be. That my friends is a Clarity of Purpose.

    Brian & Sherry Powers - Grandfather

    Michigan/United States

  • Kitty Johnson

    About 1 1/2 years ago I was fortunate to be introduced to Dan Hawkins, a LIFE Founder. As a practicing attorney for 42 years, who had been active in my community as a school board president, an elder at my church, and active in other community organizations, I was keenly aware of the lack of real leaders and leadership training available to myself and others. After joining LIFE I quickly learned to appreciate the awesome LIFE leadership and personal growth system that Orrin Woodward and the LIFE  Founders had created. My first revelation, as I began to dig into the recommended C D's and books in the LIFE system, was that even with my previous leadership experience, I had only begun to scratch the surface of what it meant to become a true leader and to strive to consistently each and every day. Now, I cannot imagine not listening to several leadership and personal growth CDs and reading from one or more of the LIFE system books every day. I also cannot wait to read Orrin's leadership blog articles each time a new one appears. As an attorney, I was educated for 19 years to think like an adversary, who had to win every argument to be successful. Of course this carried over into my personal life, and while I won many arguments, in and out of court, my relationships with my wife, family, colleagues and friends suffered from my need to make every discussion a debate. After reading some great books that I became exposed to through LIFE, like How to Win Friends and Influence People, Personality Plus,The Five Love Languages and Love and Respect, I started applying the principles being taught and really began to feel my life being enriched once I learned to accept, approve, and appreciate people instead of judging and criticizing them. Now that my life has been enriched by LIFE, I can't wait to bless others with that same system of  information. For any of my attorney colleagues who might be skeptical, if I could just make one suggestion, it would be that you take time to honestly evaluate the LIFE materials and system. If you're like most lawyers, you became an attorney so you could help others. As a lawyer, our role usually only allows us to improve a small slice of our clients' lives. As a LIFE leader we can lead people to a system of information that will improve eight major areas of people's lives-- faith, family, finances, fitness, following, fun, friends and freedom. I hope you will decide, like I did, to join Orrin Woodward and the other LIFE Founders reach 1 million people and beyond as we launch a leadership revolution. God bless,  Les Johnson

    Kitty Johnson - Attorney

    Wisconsin/United States

  • Kevin Hamm

    When I was first introduced to the LIFE training materials, I was operating a tree service company on a negative cash flow--but I looked good. Ultimately, I would accumulate approximately $800,000 in debt. That's right, my best thinking nearly made me a negative millionaire. With the information found in the LIFE training system I began to believe that freedom from debt was not only possible, but the right thing to do. Unfortunately, the economy cut our business revenue virtually in half. Faced with almost certain bankruptcy, attorneys were recommending that I "see the writing on the wall" and file before I get sued. At the time, I was reading a book from the LIFE system entitled, God's Plan for Your Finances, by Dwight Nichols. In that book Nichols makes mention in passing that many people acquire an expertise in life through a job or an experience, and they never realize the monetary value of that expertise. That one small statement changed my entire outlook. I made the decision that I would become an expert at getting out of significant debt without bankruptcy. With that expertise I could write a book that would be a help to, and provide hope for so many people who are looking for a way out of their financial woes. In the end, my financial difficulty could actually be turned into a financial surplus. In 2 years and 9 months, while working with only half the income that I had while creating the debt, my $800,000 of debt has become $300,000 of debt at the time of this writing. The balance is projected to be eliminated by December of 2012 just 48 months after resolving to do it. I owe the credit to the information from the LIFE training materials and the culture of the LIFE community. Additionally, while I am gaining my freedom, I am learning how to build a community of people through which I can help others do the same. Not only will I realize a monetary benefit, but I believe there will be an eternal benefit as many lives are changed for the better. Many thanks to Orrin Woodward and all of the LIFE leaders who have provided a system and culture with such a powerful impact. Sincerely, Kevin Hamm

    Kevin Hamm - Arborist/Business Owner

    Wisconsin/United States

  • Venkat & Lynda Varada

    As an immigrant from India I came to America like a lot of immigrants, looking for a better opportunity. I followed all the rules, received an excellent education, climbed the corporate ladder, experienced the economic boom of Silicon Valley and from the outside I looked like an American success story. However, after one layoff and a sluggish job market, what I thought I had accrued quickly vanished. Both my wife and I knew we were meant to do more than just live the Silicon Valley lifestyle, chasing start-ups and looking for the next boom. We were hard workers and had applied ourselves for more than a dozen years trying to create residual income through different business opportunities. By a series of thin threads this quest eventually led us to the LIFE opportunity. As anyone who has ever endured a significant financial setback knows, this can take a huge toll on relationships and we were no exception. As the LIFE culture and system of mentorship and training unfolded we quickly realized we had found something special. We believe one major factor of our success is the mentorship we have received through LIFE. Overnight we had access to a depth of knowledge and a base of support that we had never encountered before in business. All we needed to do was apply the principles we were being taught by others who had fruit on the tree in all the areas of LIFE, and quickly we started to heal and to grow as a couple. My wife and I may have lost our marriage without the mentorship with LIFE leaders as well as the principles we learned through listening to LIFE materials like the Marriage Pack, the Finance Pack, the Culture Pack, Finding Your Purpose Pack as well as reading the extensive book recommendations. There is a deep peace growing in our lives since our journey began with LIFE. We see our financial base growing and solidifying. We see our marriage stronger than ever. We see our kids breaking through the limited thinking of their generation and we see a future for anyone that wants to grow and change and be a positive influence in this country and in the world. We see life beyond survival and just getting by. We see choices that time and money would never permitted us to entertain before. We see millions and millions of people benefiting in one way or another from LIFE.

    Venkat & Lynda Varada - Executive coach and Homemaker

    Cagliari/United States

  • Tony Klubertanz

    When I first saw this program, I was an extremely skeptical and grumpy person. I had given up on more than a few dreams and had decided "this must be it. I guess I better settle in and enjoy the ride and hope I can retire when it is my time." The problem was that "enjoying the ride" only made me more skeptical about other people, grumpier and deeper in debt. By applying information from sources like the "Maximize Your Finances" pack and books like "The Speed of Trust" as well as "The Five Love Languages" I am continuously learning how to be a better husband, friend, sibling, mentor/coach and employee. I NEVER expected that when I started listening to these materials and associating with people that were Living Intentionally for Excellence. Next to getting married to my beautiful wife and the birth of our beautiful daughter this LIFE business has been the most positive change in my life. It has renewed hope in me that I haven't had since very early on in my life. That's priceless...

    Tony Klubertanz - Regional Manager of Credit Union Branches

    Wisconsin/United States

  • Joe and Tracy Clark

    Parenting is a full-time job and blessing. Since the day we first found out we were to be parents, 14 years and 4 children ago, we were eager to have children. Each stage of their lives have brought joys and challenges. The teenage years were no different. We began facing different emotional battles that we were not familiar with. Many friends in the same season of life approached this with an attitude of surviving the teenage years. When we read the AGO series book, Age of Opportunity, we found a new perspective on the teenage years. Every challenge is an opportunity to teach and grow. The book states, the goal of parenting is to work myself out of a job. That one sentence gave me a simple, yet applicable direction to move towards as I parent my two teens. I now try to look at each "situation" as a life lesson for not only my child, but for me. LIFE brings me the tools I need to embrace each season of life to come. Tracy Clark

    Joe and Tracy Clark - Housewife

    Missouri/United States

  • Larry Cheatham

    When it came to earning power, I was convinced of my disadvantages having completed only 1 year of college. Like many, I was sure I’d need to rack up debt in the form of student loans. After reading, listening and applying much of the information now available through L.I.F.E. and after association with men and women who share information based on their own desired results, it wasn’t long before I realized that I could receive an education without the $200 text books or the $15,000 to $20,000 a year tuition bill from your average state college or university. Today my income is more than twice the national average from multiple sources and I doubt any of this would be the case without the information now provided through L.I.F.E. I believe it is the best value, highest return investment in myself I could have ever made! Sincerely, Larry Cheatham St. Louis Missouri

    Larry Cheatham - Firefighter

    Missouri/United States

  • Carlos Fontana

    LIFE has changed my life because through LIFE I decided to change my life. I always dreamed of having a business where I could learn and grow and help others do the same. Through the power of reading great books, listening to awesome CDs, associating and mentoring with great leaders, my life has drastically improved. I found it all in LIFE as a business. I came into the LIFE business to become better at building trust and relationships with people because I believed that is what God wants me to do. In just a few years I have been able to co-author a great book titled Follow to Lead and have authored a book called PRICELESS. Also, I have written 3 other books (Faith to Freedom, The Wise Farmer and The Wise Immigrant) that are to be published in the future. I have learned the value of investing in myself. Now I invest twice to feed my brain as I do to feed my stomach. I also have learned that the best assets to have are trust based relationships. My faith has improved drastically which led me to write the book Faith to Freedom based on my daily prayer. My understanding of personal business and finances has grown over the years. I learned that knowledge compounds faster than money. I have made many new friends. My best friends are now part of LIFE. I learned the value of being a great follower before becoming a great leader. It is very important to follow great leaders like Orrin Woodward and Chris Brady and the other founders of LIFE. Following great leaders allows the leader in me to emerge. I learned that if I am too big to follow I am too small to lead. I have learned the importance of preserving freedom and fighting for those that are not free. My level of success is now based on the level of freedom to be who I am. I also learned the value of investing in my health before it is too late. Fun has been a great part of LIFE. Now I have more fun doing what I love to do and I am mastering what I do. My zest for life has increased because I am working towards a purpose that God has for me. My family relationships have improved! I love being a hungry student of life for LIFE. There is something in LIFE for everyone. There is no other business that will reward you like LIFE does. LIFE is the business that America needed for years. Thanks LIFE founders for creating the best business for us and for the world! God Bless, Carlos Fontana

    Carlos Fontana - Writer and LIFE coach

    Michigan/United States

  • Steve and Judy Jakubenko

    I just wanted to let you know how excited I was after listening to Chris Brady's CD on Vital Behaviors. I have been around self development programs now for over 28 years and have read many books but had been frustrated as I have never really "taken in" what I had read. It wasn't until I heard Chris Brady teaching on how to improve your comprehension that it all made sense to me and that had been the challenge all those years. By applying what he taught, it has made a massive difference. Thanks

    Steve and Judy Jakubenko - Self Employed


  • Neal & Mallory Ruffner

    My wife and I would have never met without LIFE!! Without the guidance and support of the materials from LIFE and a LIFE Coach to have association with I would have never ended up at the church I am at, which is where I found my faith and my beautiful wife. We absolutely love the products and subscriptions that LIFE has available. After applying the Finance Pack into our lives we have been debt free for over 7 years. The Marriage Pack has brought us closer together than we ever have been. The Book of the Month program has kept us on a continual learning process in many different areas in our lives. Finally, our favorite, the AGO CD series has been an excellent source of information for us to live a life of significance with the highest hopes of what the future may bring! LIFE has not only helped us with our finances, our relationships, our faith, and our family, but our finances too. We thank LIFE and the Leadership of LIFE for everything we have accomplished thus far. We look forward to playing our part in reaching one million families. God Bless, Neal and Mallory Ruffner

    Neal & Mallory Ruffner - College Student

    Michigan/United States

  • Kristen Seidl

    Prior to LIFE I really had no direction. I felt like my life was spinning out of my control and the only thing I could do was to find something I had complete control over so I wouldn't feel so lost. Unfortunately, the things I decided to control led me down a path of destruction physically. What changed everything was learning about the Faith (F). I was not raised in a Christian home and my family never went to church. I didn't even know the story of Christ until mid-college. I felt like everything I had done previous was more of an act not a love. The first book I ever read on Christianity was the Purpose Driven Life which I received in the LIFE system at a convention. I was enlightened by the information I learned. From that point on I discretely had a passion for learning more about faith. My eyes were opened like a child's when they are first born. I bought myself a bible for the first time ever and still didn't know how to read it but knew that if I just started slowly I might grasp some of the concepts. I made a decision to get on the AGO CD series about 2.5 years ago and the purity of the information was incredible. I started to learn biblical principles that not only taught me how I should truly live on earth, but how to love and serve God because of what Christ did for me rather than love and serve for my own personal gain. Because of what the LIFE system offered me in the faith category of the AGO series and the transformation in my own life by learning the good news and developing a relationship with Jesus Christ, I was saved in August of 2010. I was finally able to give all control to my savior and allow Him to provide the direction I was looking for in my life. From that point I have been able to find a church that I love and can serve at, I have been able to share the love of Christ with teenagers who are lost like I was and I can offer the same information through the AGO series that led me to my faith. If it was not for the LIFE organization leading me to ultimate biblical truth through the faith category (because there was no where else I would have been led to it), I not only would be wandering aimlessly through LIFE, but my life might have been cut short. LIFE offered me a new chance at LIFE and for that I will never stop learning from the AGO CD and book series because learning about God's love for us is a lifelong journey.

    Kristen Seidl - teacher/leadership

    Wisconsin/United States